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History of Women in Technology Female achievements in technoscience

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1 History of Women in Technology Female achievements in technoscience

2 History of Women in Technology
historical & sociological approach technology and the division of labor vs. technological determinism labor process analysis: social groups have different interests and resources :: conflict bw different views of the technical requirements of the technological artefacts technological determinism: changes in technology are the most important cause of social change (technologies are neutral and affect society from the outside :: social location of scientists and technologists is irrelevant) ~Radical science movement (exposing the class character of science) Labor process debate (1970s) -- extending class analysis to technology; critical of a technicist version of Marxism in which the development of technology and productivity is seen as the motor force of history; according to labor process debate, technology is represented as beyond class struggle Braverman (1974) revives Marx’s contribution to the study of technology, in relation to work: criticism of technology in the process of capitalist development; capitalist-worker relations are a major factor affecting the technology of production within capitalism; historical case studies of the evolution and introduction of particular technologies shows how they are deliberately designed to deskill and eliminate human labor (machinery was used by the owners and managers of capital as an important weapon in the battle for control over production); this notion challenges technological determinism because it focuses on the capitalist division of labour and paves a way for the more sophisticated analysis of gender relations and technology. (Wajcman, Feminism Confronts Technology 1991, pp ).

3 History of Women in Technology
historical & sociological approach gender dimension (labor division approach): relations of production are constructed as much by gender divisions as class divisions industrial technology from its origins reflects male power (in addition to capitalist domination) prior to industrial revolution, women had more opportunities to acquire technical skills Capitalist technology more masculine than previous technologies in the early phases of industrialization, women were denied access to ownership of capital and access to education Gender divisions developed within the working-class in the light of new industries powered machinery changed traditional craft skills because tools were taken out of the hands of workers and combined into machines -- men maintained the monopoly of new skills Women who were industrial laborers worked in unskilled jobs for the lowest pay Working-class men and unions excluded women from membership and prevented them gaining consequences

4 History of Women in Technology
historical & sociological approach women’s exclusion from technology is the consequence of the gender division of labor and male domination of skilled trades during the industrial revolution machinery was designed by men in mind women had no access to formal technical knowledge and resources to participate in invention of new technologies (domestic sphere) masculine culture of technology & gender division of labor perpetuated with new technologies (integral to the nature of innovation) technical knowledge involves tacit, intuitive knowledge and ‘learning by doing’ :: innovation typically emerges based on existing technology by a process of gradual modification (improvement of existing devices)

5 History of Women in Technology
historical & sociological approach technology constructed socially affirms and consolidates relations amongst men as shown by the study of adoption of technologies in the industrial era technical competence as integral to masculine gender identity (how do women get involved?) technological artefacts (tools) reflect a process of negotiation in which technology is constructed in a technical, social, political, economic arena that replicates existing spheres of activity for men and women although not impossible to see that women can be more fully represented in the institutions that shape the direction of technological development without transforming the direction of technological development

6 History of Women in Technology
historical & sociological approach historical cases & empirical research identify contexts in which women redesign technology technology in the domestic environment technology in women’s occupations (filing systems, telephone) women employed in ammunition factories during WWI women and office work: filing systems women employed in shipyards during WWII women redesign technology in all four substantive areas of technology:




10 Propaganda was used to get women to work in war factories
Propaganda was used to get women to work in war factories. The women were told that everyone had a role in the era of total war. This image presents a bold woman sending off ships, planes, and tanks; her contribution to the war effort.’Rosie the Riveter’ was a popular image of World War II. She represented a strong woman doing her part.

11 Norman Rockwell: Rosie the Riveter

12 History of Women in Technology
How are certain technological artefacts shaped by gender interests? How is technological change and innovation shaped by gender interests? What are the roots of technological exclusion of women from the technological community?

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