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Vocabulary Con – with De – from/of A – to/at Porque – because

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1 Vocabulary Con – with De – from/of A – to/at Porque – because
Hay – There are ______. Y – and En - In

2 Translate the sentence into Spanish
I live in __________. I talk with my friends (mis amigos). I need a sheet of paper (una hoja de papel). You (sister) clean the house (la casa). You (Dr. Preston) read books. You (Mom) buy food (la comida). She believes in God (Dios). He practices baseball (béisbol).

3 Translate the sentence into Spanish
Beyoncé sings songs (canciónes). We study Spanish. We attend class. Y’all take notes. Y’all write in Spanish. Y’all understand Spanish They work at Zaxby’s. They run to class.

4 Translate the sentence into Spanish.
No, I don’t talk to Harry. No, I don’t dance very well (muy bien). No, you (best friend) don’t work after (después de) school. No, you (Dr. Saxon) don’t eat tacos. No, Joshua doesn’t believe in God. No, Sharon doesn’t understand French (francés).

5 Translate the sentence into Spanish.
No, we don’t talk in class. No, we don’t write in German (alemán). No, y’all don’t read Chinese books (los libros chinos). No, y’all (Spain) don’t need a sheet of paper. No, they don’t sing songs. No, they don’t drink sodas (refrescos)

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