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TYPE 1 If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? WARM UP.

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Presentation on theme: "TYPE 1 If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? WARM UP."— Presentation transcript:

1 TYPE 1 If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

2 Google Maps Activity We will be looking at these 4 locations:
Denver, CO London, England Montevideo, MN You choose the city Google Maps Activity

3 Big downtown or Small downtown Major roads that go through it
For each location write down features you are able to identify for each city (Examples): Schools What are homes like Parks Rivers Hospitals Restaurants Big downtown or Small downtown Major roads that go through it What is the land like around it? Would you live in this city? Why or why not?

4 Make sure to look at size, development, and
if the city was built on a grid system (checkerboard).


6 QUESTION: Pick two of the cities and compare and contrast them
QUESTION: Pick two of the cities and compare and contrast them? How are they similar? How are they different? Lastly, which one would you live in and why? TYPE 3 FCAs: 5 Paragraphs Intro, Body, Conclusion Evidence So What Statements 5 paragraph essay


8 Finish 5 paragraph essay
WHAT SHOULD I BE DOING? Finish 5 paragraph essay IF YOU FINISH EARLY Read 1.3 in the textbook 1. What is the purpose of the title? 2. What are the cardinal and intermediate directions? 3. What is a legend or key? 4. What is a map grid? Read 1.8 1. What is distortion? 2. To deal with distortions, mapmakers use different map ______________________ 3. What are the benefits & negatives of the Mercator Projection? 4. What are the benefits & negatives of the Eckert IV Projection? 5. What are the benefits & negatives of the Goode’s Homolosine Projection? IF YOU FINISH BOTH OF THESE, THEN OPEN TO P. 27 & START TO WRITE DOWN EACH STATE & ITS CAPITAL. IT WILL COME IN HAND TOMORROW!


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