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(case 6)  (A) Fundus photography showing subtle discrete areas of RPE atrophy (green areas). (case 6)  (A) Fundus photography showing subtle discrete areas.

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Presentation on theme: "(case 6)  (A) Fundus photography showing subtle discrete areas of RPE atrophy (green areas). (case 6)  (A) Fundus photography showing subtle discrete areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 (case 6)  (A) Fundus photography showing subtle discrete areas of RPE atrophy (green areas).
(case 6)  (A) Fundus photography showing subtle discrete areas of RPE atrophy (green areas). (B) Autofluorescence imaging improves visualisation of the affected areas of retina, seen  as zones of hyperautofluorescence. (C) Optical coherence tomography shows outer retinal (photoreceptor) disruption within the areas of affected retina (white arrows) with sparing at the foveal centre (yellow arrow). OCT, optical coherence tomography; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium Zhaleh Khaleeli et al. Pract Neurol doi: /practneurol ©2018 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd

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