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The Nervous System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nervous System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nervous System

2 Two Main Divisions Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System
Brain Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System Nerves around the body gathers and transmits information to and from the brain.

3 Peripheral Nervous System
Two Divisions Somatic - relationship with the external environment sends info from sensory detectors to brain Autonomic involved in regulation internal functions digestion, respiration, excretion, etc.

4 CNS - The Brain Three Main Parts Cerebrum Cerebellum Spinal Cord
About 83% brain mass Grey Matter mm thick = cerebral cortex White Matter - Cerebellum About 11% brain mass Also has grey and white matter Spinal Cord Has grey matter surrounded by white matter

5 Cerebrum Cerebellum Spinal Cord

6 Complete Tree Map; Draw & Label the Nervous System on the Graphic Organizer

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