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Facility Capacity and Location
Chapter 5, Part A Facility Capacity and Location
Overview Facility Planning Long-Range Capacity Planning
Facility Location Wrap-Up: What World-Class Companies Do
Facility Planning HOW MUCH long range capacity is needed
WHEN additional capacity is needed WHERE the production facilities should be located WHAT the layout and characteristics of the facilities should be
Facility Planning The capital investment in land, buildings, technology, and machinery is enormous A firm must live with its facility planning decisions for a long time, and these decisions affect: Operating efficiency Economy of scale Ease of scheduling Maintenance costs … Profitability!
Long-Range Capacity Planning
Steps in the Capacity Planning Process
Estimate the capacity of the present facilities. Forecast the long-range future capacity needs. Identify and analyze sources of capacity to meet these needs. Select from among the alternative sources of capacity.
Definitions of Capacity
In general, production capacity is the maximum production rate of an organization. Capacity can be difficult to quantify due to … Day-to-day uncertainties such as employee absences, equipment breakdowns, and material-delivery delays Products and services differ in production rates (so product mix is a factor) Different interpretations of maximum capacity
Definitions of Capacity
The Federal Reserve Board defines sustainable practical capacity as the greatest level of output that a plant can maintain … within the framework of a realistic work schedule taking account of normal downtime assuming sufficient availability of inputs to operate the machinery and equipment in place
Measurements of Capacity
Output Rate Capacity For a facility having a single product or a few homogeneous products, the unit of measure is straightforward (barrels of beer per month) For a facility having a diverse mix of products, an aggregate unit of capacity must be established using a common unit of output (sales dollars per week)
Measurements of Capacity
Input Rate Capacity Commonly used for service operations where output measures are particularly difficult Hospitals use available beds per month Airlines use available seat-miles per month Movie theatres use available seats per month
Measurements of Capacity
Capacity Utilization Percentage Relates actual output to output capacity Example: Actual automobiles produced in a quarter divided by the quarterly automobile production capacity Relates actual input used to input capacity Example: Actual accountant hours used in a month divided by the monthly account-hours available
Measurements of Capacity
Capacity Cushion an additional amount of capacity added onto the expected demand to allow for: greater than expected demand demand during peak demand seasons lower production costs product and volume flexibility improved quality of products and services
Forecasting Capacity Demand
Forecast the firm’s demand Anticipate competitors’ actions Anticipate technological developments Understand product life cycle as it impacts capacity Consider the life of the facility (e.g. facility is yr)
Other Considerations Resource availability
Accuracy of the long-range forecast Capacity cushion Changes in competitive environment
Expansion of Long-Term Capacity
Subcontract with other companies Acquire other companies, facilities, or resources Develop sites, construct buildings, buy equipment Expand, update, or modify existing facilities Reactivate standby facilities
Reduction of Long-Term Capacity
Sell off existing resources, lay off employees Mothball facilities, transfer employees Develop and phase in new products/services
Economies of Scale Best operating level - least average unit cost
Economies of scale - average cost per unit decreases as the volume increases toward the best operating level Diseconomies of scale - average cost per unit increases as the volume increases beyond the best operating level
Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
Average Unit Cost of Output ($) Economies of Scale Diseconomies of Scale Best Operating Level Annual Volume (units)
Economies of Scale Declining costs result from:
Fixed costs being spread over more and more units Longer production runs result in a smaller proportion of labor being allocated to setups Proportionally less material scrap … and other economies
Diseconomies of Scale Increasing costs result from increased congestion of workers and material, which contributes to: Increasing inefficiency Difficulty in scheduling Damaged goods Reduced morale Increased use of overtime … and other diseconomies
Two General Approaches to Expanding Long-Range Capacity
All at Once – build the ultimate facility now and grow into it Incrementally – build incrementally as capacity demand grows
Two General Approaches to Expanding Long-Range Capacity
All at Once Little risk of having to turn down business due to inadequate capacity Less interruption of production One large construction project costs less than several smaller projects Due to inflation, construction costs will be higher in the future Most appropriate for mature products with stable demand
Two General Approaches to Expanding Long-Range Capacity
Incrementally Less risky if forecast needs do not materialize Funds that could be used for other types of investments will not be tied up in excess capacity More appropriate for new products
Subcontractor Networks
A viable alternative to larger-capacity facilities is to develop subcontractor and supplier networks. “Farming out” or outsourcing your capacity needs to your suppliers Developing long-range relationships with suppliers of parts, components, and subassemblies Requiring less capital for production facilities More easily varying capacity during slack or peak demand periods
Outsourcing Service Functions
Building maintenance Data processing Delivery Payroll Bookkeeping Customer service Mailroom Benefits administration … and more
Economies of Scope The ability to produce many product models in one flexible facility more cheaply than in separate facilities Highly flexible and programmable automation allows quick, inexpensive product-to-product changes Economies are created by spreading the automation cost over many products
Analyzing Capacity-Planning Decisions
Break-Even Analysis (Chapter 4 and this chapter) Present-Value Analysis Computer Simulation (Chapter 9) Waiting Line Analysis (Chapter 9) Linear Programming (Chapter 8) Decision Tree Analysis (this chapter)
Decision Tree Analysis
Structures complex multiphase decisions, showing: What decisions must be made What sequence the decisions must occur Interdependence of the decisions Allows objective evaluation of alternatives Incorporates uncertainty Develops expected values
Example: Good Eats Café
Decision Tree Analysis Good Eats Café is about to build a new restaurant. An architect has developed three building designs, each with a different seating capacity. Good Eats estimates that the average number of customers per hour will be 80, 100, or 120 with respective probabilities of 0.4, 0.2, and The payoff table showing the profits for the three designs is on the next slide.
Example: Good Eats Café
Payoff Table Average Number of Customers Per Hour c1 = c2 = c3 = 120 Design A $10, $15, $14,000 Design B $ 8, $18, $12,000 Design C $ 6, $16, $21,000
Example: Good Eats Café
Expected Value Approach Calculate the expected value for each decision. The decision tree on the next slide can assist in this calculation. Here d1, d2, d3 represent the decision alternatives of designs A, B, C, and c1, c2, c3 represent the different average customer volumes (80, 100, and 120) that might occur.
Example: Good Eats Café
Decision Tree 1 (.2) (.4) d1 d2 d3 c1 c2 c3 Payoffs 10,000 15,000 14,000 8,000 18,000 12,000 6,000 16,000 21,000 2 3 4
Example: Good Eats Café
Expected Value For Each Decision Choose the design with largest EV -- Design C. EV = .4(10,000) + .2(15,000) + .4(14,000) = $12,600 d1 2 Design A EV = .4(8,000) + .2(18,000) + .4(12,000) = $11,600 Design B d2 1 3 d3 Design C EV = .4(6,000) + .2(16,000) + .4(21,000) = $14,000 4
Facility Location
A Sequence of Decisions
Political, social, economic stability; Currency exchange rates; National Decision Regional Decision Climate; Customer concentrations; Degree of unionization; Community Decision Transportation system availability; Preference of management; Site Decision Site size/cost; Environmental impact; Zoning restrictions;
Factors Affecting the Location Decision
Economic Site acquisition, preparation and construction costs Labor costs, skills and availability Utilities costs and availability Transportation costs Taxes
Factors Affecting the Location Decision
Non-economic Labor attitudes and traditions Training and employment services Community’s attitude Schools and churches Recreation and cultural attractions Amount and type of housing available
Facility Types and Their Dominant Locational Factors
Mining, Quarrying, and Heavy Manufacturing Near their raw material sources Abundant supply of utilities Land and construction costs are inexpensive Light Manufacturing Availability and cost of labor Warehousing Proximity to transportation facilities Incoming and outgoing transportation costs . . . more
Facility Types and Their Dominant Locational Factors
R&D and High-Tech Manufacturing Ability to recruit/retain scientists, engineers, etc. Near companies with similar technology interests Retailing and For-Profit Services Near concentrations of target customers Government and Health/Emergency Services Near concentrations of constituents
Some Reasons the Facility Location Decision Arises
Changes in the market Expansion Contraction Geographic shift Changes in inputs Labor skills and/or costs Materials costs and/or availability Utility costs . . . more
Some Reasons the Facility Location Decision Arises
Changes in the environment Regulations and laws Attitude of the community Changes in technology
Analyzing Industrial Facility Locations
Factors that tend to dominate the industrial-facility location decision are: Transportation costs Labor cost and availability Materials cost and availability Utilities cost
Qualitative Factors in Location Decisions
Often-important qualitative factors include Housing Climate Community activities Education and health services Recreation Churches Union activities Community attitudes
Integrating Qualitative & Quantitative Factors
Managers often wrestle with the task of trading off qualitative factors against quantitative ones Methods for systematically displaying the relative advantages and disadvantages, both qualitative and quantitative, of each location alternative have been developed The relative-aggregate-scores approach is one such method
Relative-Aggregate-Scores Approach
Quantitative and Qualitative Factors Location A Location B Econ Wgt. Econ Wgt. Factor Weight Data Score Score Data Score Score Prod.cost/ton .45 $ $ Transp.cost/ton .35 $ $ Labor Avail Union Activity Total Score
End of Chapter 5, Part A
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