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Presentation on theme: "INTERNAL AUDIT COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE Enabling groups"— Presentation transcript:

Diana Grosu-Axenti, WB Bucharest. December 2014

2 Community enablinging groups
Agenda activists: identify new topics Quality’ s friends: identify strong&weak points improving for futures Social reporters: collect memories form social events, but not only External messengers: prepare communique or resolution to make us visible Value detectives: explore created values shown outputs and impact Community keepers: find solutions for sustainability

3 What are groups in practice?
are… when you think you are learning or relaxing …but meanwhile they are watching you …and collecting memories and evidence

4 Agenda activists for continuity between individual and cross-CoP agendas
In what ways did your CoP say it addresses T&A at the start of this meeting? What have you learned during this meeting that will help inform what you are already doing? What have you learned during this meeting that is absent from what you are already doing? What kinds of activities could your CoP undertake to integrate this new learning into its own agenda? What are the potential obstacles to achieving this?

5 Agenda activists Detect trend of interests Propose topics for next
events agenda

6 Community keepers: we start with problems … … and come to solutions
1)Regional contact point Contact person/point For countries: Ljerka Crnković, Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina,- Croatia, - Macedonia, - Montenegro,  - Serbia Maksym Tymokhin, Ukraine Belarus - Kazakhstan -  Ukraine Stanislav Bychkov, Russian Federation Russian Federation - Uzbekistan - Tajikistan Zamira Omorova, Kirghistan  Kirghistan - Armenia,  - Azerbaijan  Nini Eliasvili, Georgia Albania, - Kosovo - Turkey  Edit Nemeth, Hungary  - Bulgaria,  - Georgia, - Moldova, - Romania, - Hungary,  -Estonia

7 Community keepers solutions: 2) Our new Pearls are WELCOMEd Sankt Petersburg newcomers, 2013

8 Community keepers solutions 3) keeping sustainability
√ Membership system: green, gold, platinum membership √ Contacts with photo on wiki √ For plenary participation it is a rule of one experienced member nominated by CoP, second one is nominated by MoF √ In case of budget constraints, experienced people have priority √ Special thanks letter for our clients (Ministers) with descriptions of individuals inputs

9 Value detectives Explore created values Collect evidence of impact
Record evidence in attractive way

10 Value detectives


12 Value detectives results:
Müge Hayriye Güvenc: People are comitted and they believe the things they do Georgian Internal Audit Manual is drafted on a base of PEM PAL template. Giulli Chkuaseli&Nini Eliashvili Of of √ We learned here the definition and methodology of internal audit √ We used Bulgarian experience as a basis of our law of internal audit √ Training & Certification system was implemented on base of Tajikistan IA CoP template Umed Sharapov

13 Things that need to be improved:
Quality friends If nothing bad is ever said, nothing good will ever get done! Positive feedback: Things that need to be improved: e.g. new comers had no chance to introduce themselves and to tell about their activities and why they are here e.g. booths give good information about working groups

14 Year 2012: Quality friends observation (e.g.)
More involvement of advanced countries, external consultants TIME MANAGEMENT!!!

15 Agenda activists: identify new topics
Year 2011 new topics proposed: Managerial accountability and PIFC Management control models Decentalised vs. Centralised model of management – role of IA

16 External messengers: prepare communique or resolution to make us visible 2011 Ohrid Communiqué: INTERNAL AUDIT MANUAL – to be used as a common reference TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION FOR INTERNAL AUDITORS – ongoing development RELATION BETWEEN FINANCIAL INSPECTION AND INTERNAL AUDIT - a need for mutual cooperation INTERNAL AUDIT ANNUAL REPORTING TO THE CENTRAL HARMONIZATION UNIT IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE – a need for further development 2010 Yalta Resolution: … Reform of inspection should be started in parallel with implementation of internal audit …

17 Social reporters collect memories from social events Hard work:

18 Social reporters catch funny moments of social part

19 Tools, competencies and logistics
Simple office stationery Few a little bit more advanced gadgets Enthusiastic, creative and dedicated to PEM PAL people

20 Join us, we’ll share with you MORE!!!


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