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Polar WRF (Ohio State Modifications)

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Presentation on theme: "Polar WRF (Ohio State Modifications)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Polar WRF (Ohio State Modifications)
Brandon Fisel Iowa State University Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

2 Motivations Model Setup Plots Future Directions
Outline Motivations Model Setup Plots Future Directions RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

3 Simulations in polar climates Polar optimizations Treatment of sea ice
Motivations Simulations in polar climates Polar optimizations Treatment of sea ice Climate regimes: polar oceans, ice sheets, arctic land. Optimizations done to PBL parameterizations, snow surface physics, treatment of land surface. Polar WRF allows for different surface conditions for ice and open water portions of sea-ice grid points; includes parameters, surface roughness and albedo between open water and sea-ice. RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

4 Model Setup Pan-Arctic domain SHEBA year (Oct. 97 – Oct. 98)
ERA40/ECMWF-TOGA NSIDC sea ice concentrations Using SHEBA year right but not a year of focus now. I will perform diagnostics on the fractional sea ice (variance in space of sea ice) to determine when we can focus on this. RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

5 Model Setup (cont…) RACM Presentation 2008 December 05
Using SHEBA year right but not a year of focus now. I will perform diagnostics on the fractional sea ice (variance in space of sea ice) to determine when we can focus on this. RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

6 Model Setup (cont…) External Data Sources WPS WRF GRIB NSIDC
geogrid.exe ungrib.exe metgrid.exe WRF WRF (V ) Polar WRF (V ) RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

7 Model Setup (cont…) External Data Sources WPS WRF GRIB NSIDC
geogrid.exe ungrib.exe metgrid.exe WRF WRF (V ) Polar WRF (V ) PHYS – physics_init, sf_noahdrv, sf_noahlsm, surface_driver RUN – LANDUSE, VEGPARM SHARE – soil_pre WPS – seaice-intermd RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

8 Model Setup (cont…) NSIDC (sea ice) Real wrfinput_d01 wrfbdy_d01 WPS
met_em.d01 WRF TOGA ERA40 wrfout_d01 Real.exe interpolates the met_em files vertically, creates wrfinput and wrfbdy files, and performs consistency checks. RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

9 Model Setup (cont…) Issues: External data sea-ice to intermediate
(Keith Hines & Francis Otieno) configure.wrf CPP = /lib/cpp –C –P CPP = /lib/cpp –C –P –D_BPRC_SEAICE_ -D_BPRC_POLAR_ ERA40 used to substitute sub-surface data while ECMWF-TOGA (no soil T) used to supply everything else. RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

10 NSIDC sea ice concentration
Plots NSIDC sea ice concentration Oct. 97 – Oct. 98 RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

11 Initial hypothesis Fractional sea ice Simulations
Future Directions Initial hypothesis Fractional sea ice Simulations Heating by open fraction of the ocean will have a significant effect on the atmospheric circulation but only at times when the circulation is susceptible to bifurcation (small changes that can impact the short-term dynamical behavior). Simulations using Polar WRF w/ fractional sea-ice and Polar WRF w/o fractional sea-ice. Fractional sea-ice variance over space and not time. (diagnostic to locate periods to focus on) RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

12 Questions RACM Presentation 2008 December 05

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