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People and Interaction

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Presentation on theme: "People and Interaction"— Presentation transcript:

1 People and Interaction
Name: Country: (Write your name and Country)

2 Learning Theories What is a ‘theory’?

3 Learning Theories The main didactical models in e-Learning are:

4 Learning Theories The implementation of behaviourism in eLearning often involves:

5 Learning Theories The implementation of cognitive theories in eLearning often involves:

6 Learning Theories What is important for constructivism?

7 2. Interaction Why interaction is so important?

8 2. Interaction The main types of interaction are:

9 2. Interaction The role of the instructor in a Web-based pedagogical format implies a series of changes:

10 2. Interaction Write some tips that could promote students’ interaction:

11 2. Interaction Write some strategies for incorporating interaction in a conent :

12 2. Interaction Why the design of the environment is important for the learner – interface interaction:

13 2. Interaction How communities, like eTwinning, can promote interaction:

14 Instructions in order to save your presentation
1.    Open the empty PowerPoint presentation (click here). 2.    Finish your presentation. 3.    Save your presentation on your PC. 4.    Come back and upload your Presentation on the wiki (Assignments >Unit 1: 6-9 November). 5.    Complete the assignment before November 9th. Success!

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