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The American System.

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Presentation on theme: "The American System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American System

2 Do Now (Doc 1) What is an elector?
Jackson was president from Does this show Jackson was democratic? Why or why not?

3 What legacy did the Marshall Court leave?

4 Election of 1816 James Monroe

5 Presidents Review 1. George Washington 2. John Adams
3. Thomas Jefferson 4. James Madison 5. James Monroe

6 Era of Good Feelings

7 American System Henry Clay

8 American System 3 Parts: Protective tariffs National Bank
Internal improvements to stimulate trade

9 Tariffs Tax on imports Promotes buying Am. products

10 National Bank Regulate currency

11 Internal Improvements
Roads Canals

12 Each station: Name What it did

13 Expectations: No more than 3 people per station
Quiet talking about content If you are too loud/off topic, you will work in silence

14 You are Henry Clay! Write 4 sentences DEFENDING the American System

15 TP 4 Concept Map


17 Remember: Chapter 10 Quiz tomorrow
“Culture not a Costume” paragraph tomorrow

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