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Women in WWI Lesson starter:

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1 Women in WWI Lesson starter:
A woman’s role is that of a wife and mother. It is inappropriate that a woman would go out to work or involve herself in politics. Work and politics are men’s spheres of influence. The woman has an important role to play as a companion to her husband. What does this source tell us about the role of women before WWI?

2 We are learning to… Describe the role played by women during WWI
I can… Create a revision guide of women’s jobs in WWI Answer N5 questions on the role of women

3 Background… Prior to WWI, women were seen as merely wives and mothers
With men away at war, women had to take over the work men left behind In July 1914, before the war broke out there were 3.2 million women in employment. This had risen to 5 million by January 1918.

4 The Role of Women in WWI

5 Votes For Women The Suffragettes and Suffragists stopped their campaigning for the vote to support the war effort ‘Shells made by a wife may save a husband’s life’

6 Munitions Most women worked in factories making shells, weapons and ammunition Around 700,000 women worked in this industry Very dangerous work TNT poisoning – ‘canaries’ Many women left with life changing illness or left infertile Explosions were common


8 HM Munitions Factory in Gretna 9000 women worked here producing cordite ‘The Devil’s Porridge’, one of the most deadly substances of war

9 Land Army Many women went out to work in farms They planted crops to help keep Britain going 250,000 British women worked on farms 1917 – best harvest ever recorded

10 Transport Many women worked as train, tram and bus conductors/ drivers These jobs were very important to keep the country moving

11 Armed Forces WRNS (Women’s Royal Naval Service) WAAC (Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps) WRAF (Women’s Air Force) Mainly clerical work (office work)

12 Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD)
Nurses run by Red Cross They helped injured men on the Western Front or those returning home Mainly middle class women

13 Running businesses Many women had to take over the family business as men were sent off to war In many families, the woman became the head of the family for the first time

14 Positives of women’s improving role in society
Women had their own income = more independence Women had more freedom – fewer men/ chaperones, started smoking, wearing makeup, wearing trousers Women gained respect from men across the country and many prominent MPs Women became more determined than ever to push for more rights in society Women receive vote in 1918 – coincidence or reward?

15 Tasks

16 N5 Questions Describe the work done by women during the First World War. 4 marks.

17 Evaluate the Usefulness

18 2014 – Booklet P22

19 Source A More Useful/ less useful & why Who What When What it tells us What it misses out

20 HW Paper – Booklet p21

21 2017 Paper – Booklet p12

22 Specimen Paper - Comparison


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