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17.4 War Breaks Out Today's Objectives

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1 17.4 War Breaks Out Today's Objectives
1)Explain the international response to Fascism 2)Analyze how World War II broke out. 3)Examine how President F.D.R. tried to convince Americans to fight. 4)Analyze why Japan bombed Pearl Harbor

2 U.S. Reaction to Fascism Western Countries feared Fascists, but feared Communists more! What changed that? (1933)U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. opened diplomatic ties. ( ) Neutrality Acts No U.S. Ships allowed to carry munitions to warring states.

3 U.S. Reaction to Fascism President Roosevelt opposed neutrality.
Wanted U.S. to be more active. Americans still wanted Isolationism. Even ignored Japanese harassment in China! “Those who cherish their freedom and recognize and respect the equal right of their neighbors to be free and live in peace, must work together for the triumph of law and moral principles in order that peace, justice and confidence may prevail in the world. There must be a return to a belief in the pledged word, in the value of a signed treaty. There must be recognition of the fact that national morality is as vital as private morality..” ~Oct. 5th, 1937 “Quarantine Speech”

4 The Response to Fascism
Practice of giving in to some demands. Munich Conference 1938. Germany/Italy keep claiming territory in Europe. Sudetenland Great Britain/France attempted appeasement. Giving in to some demands. Munich Conference 1938.

5 Fascist Aggression and War
(Jan. 1939) German annexation of Czechoslovakia (Aug. 1939) Hitler demanded land from Poland Great Britain/France say no. (Sept. 1st, 1939)Germany invades Poland. Allies = G.B., France, Poland. Axis = Germany, Italy.

6 The Start of World War II
(Oct. 1939) Poland falls. Germans continue to conquer. (April 1940) Denmark/Norway (May 1940) France Start bombing Britain. i

7 The U.S. Reacts to WWII - Cash and Carry Policy (Sept. 21st, 1939)
Allowed countries at war to buy U.S. Ammo. Who benefits? - (March 11th, 1941) Lend-Lease Program - Great Britain is broke. - U.S.A. will “lend” Britain goods. $300 billion received

8 U.S. Reacts to WWII (August 1941)The Atlantic Charter
Secret meeting between FDR and Winston Churchill. - Statement Issued; Supported Self-Determination, Free Trade, Social Welfare, also F.D.R.'s Four Freedoms.

9 U.S. Reacts to Japan - U.S. had been sanctioning Japan since Nanjing.
- Banned all shipment of rubber, oil, and scrap metal. - Froze all Japanese financial assets in U.S. Territories. - Without U.S. Trade, Japanese war production hurt. - What should Japan do?

10 Japan and Pearl Harbor -Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7th, 1941)
Japan wanted to cripple U.S. Navy. - 2,402 killed, 1,200+ wounded.

11 The U.S. Joins the war. -

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