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Questions and Written Response Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Hezbollah

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1 Questions and Written Response Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Hezbollah

2 Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Hezbollah Reading and “Thinking” Questions
Directions - Read the following information about the modern-day conflict between Middle Eastern Arabs and Israelis. As you read, think about the following: Which group’s cause do you support more – In other words, who do you agree with? Who do you think deserves the land? Why?

3 Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Hezbollah Evaluative Written Response
Write a letter defending either the Palestinian (Arabs) or Israeli (Jews) claim to the land in and around present day Israel. Be sure I know WHO you support and WHY you feel that way! Explain your answer using cited text evidence from the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Hezbollah document!!!!!

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