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Maps Activities Directions:

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Presentation on theme: "Maps Activities Directions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maps Activities Directions: Answer the questions for the city of Savannah map Label the following on the Georgia Map: Borders Ft. Fredrica, Ft. Darien, and Ft. Augusta Label St. Simon’s Island Label where the Battle of the Bloody Marsh took place

2 James Oglethorpe Activity
Directions: Categorize the information about James Oglethorpe Need to have at least one piece of information in each category Must use all the information presented Can not split or divide the bulleted information

3 Charter of 1732 Activity (continued)
Directions: You can skip #1 as it has already been done Answer the questions that analyze the Charter of 1732 For questions 5-8, highlight the information from the quotes to help answer those questions

4 Diversity in the Georgia Colony
Directions: Take one of the organizers Go into the hallway (across from world map and by the black box) Complete the chart by using the information located on the walls

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