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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary/Identification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary/Identification
George Marshall Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) A. Philip Randolph Manhattan Project Office of Price Administration (OPA) War Production Board (WPB) rationing

2 Mobilization on the Home Front
Chapter 17 -1 Mobilization on the Home Front

3 Section 17 – 1 Objectives Describe how the U.S. expanded its armed forces in World War II. Explain how industry, labor scientists, and the media banded together to mobilize for the war effort. Describe how the U.S government tried to control the economy and deal with alleged subversion.

4 Selective Service System
Instituted the draft Provided the country with 10 million soldiers

5 Women’s Roles Thousands served in the Women’s Auxiliary Corps (WAAC)
Others served in other volunteer positions Over 6 million went to work in war industries

6 Minorities 300,000 Mexican-Americans enlisted
Over 1 million African-Americans enlisted Over 10,000 Asian-Americans and Native-Americans enlisted in the armed forces

7 Manufacturers Converted factories to the production of war goods and materials Built and expanded shipyards and defense plants

8 A. Philip Randolph Organized a march on Washington that forced FDR to issue an executive order that called on industry and labor unions in the defense industries to stop discriminating against workers.

9 Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)
Spurred improvements in radar and sonar Encouraged the use of pesticides to fight insects Pushed the development of “miracle drugs” that saved lives Developed the atomic bomb

10 Entertainment Industry
Churned out war-oriented propaganda films Created opportunities to escape from the grim realities of war for a few hours

11 Office of Price Administration (OPA)
Fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods Set up a system for rationing scarce goods

12 War Production Board (WPB)
Oversaw the conversion from peacetime production Allocated raw materials to key industries Organized nationwide scrap drives

13 Rationing Reduced consumption of energy, goods and supplies deemed essential for the military

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