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Latin and Greek Root Words: Unit 2

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1 Latin and Greek Root Words: Unit 2
*PON, POS, MAN, STAT, STAN *Circumstance, Composition, constant, deposit, impermanent, opponent, proposition, remnant, stationary, status

2 Unit 2 Cont’d POS, PON- To put, place Latin PONERE, POSITUM
1. Deposit v. To put down; to drop Syn: Deliver Ant: Pick up L. de, "down," + positum= put down The cab driver did not wish to deposit his passengers in the middle of the dangerous street, so he drove to the side of the road. 2. Composition n. The makeup of something Syn: Content L. com, "together," + positum= put together

3 Unit 2 Cont’d 3. Proposition n. An idea put forth; a suggestion
Syn: Offer L. pro, "forth," + positum= put forth The President made a proposition to Congress to provide money to rebuild the nation's electric system. 4. Opponent n. One who goes against; rival Syn: Competitor Ant: Ally L. ob, "opposite, in the way of," + positum= put opposite One by one, Darryl's opponents in the marathon race fell farther behind him.

4 MAN- Stay, remain Latin MANERE, MANSUM 5. Impermanent adj. Not lasting forever Syn: Passing Ant: Eternal L. in, "not," +per, "throughout," +manere= not lasting throughout Few relationships last forever; most of them are impermanent. 6. Remnant n. Something left over Syn: Remainder L. re, "back," +manere= to stay back The only remnant of the building that Sgt. Osbourn could find after the fire was a badly burned door.

5 Unit 2 Cont’d STAT, STAN - To stand, stay Latin STARE, STATUM
7. Status n. A condition or situation Syn: Position Can you tell me the status of my application? 8. Circumstance n. Condition surrounding something; a situation L. cirum, "around," + statum= (events) standing around The police wondered what kind of circumstance would make a man try to break into a jail.

6 Unit 2 Cont’d 9. Constant n. Something that stays the same
L. con, intensifier, + statum= standing Vince felt that the only constant in his life was Thunder, his faithful dog. 10. Stationary adj. Standing still; not moving Syn: Stable Ant: Traveling; Moveable Mark preferred the thrill of the open road to his stationary bicycle.

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