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Fitness Theory in PF 11 Developing A Workout Program Physiology

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2 Fitness Theory in PF 11 Developing A Workout Program Physiology
Anatomy - skeletal & muscular Movement Patterns Exercise Risks Nutrition Diet and Exercise Strength & Flexibility

3 Chapter 2 Developing a Workout Program PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING

4 Components of Physical Fitness
Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Cardio-respiratory fitness Body-fat composition 8

5 F.I.T.T. Frequency Intensity Time Type

6 FITT – Muscular Endurance
2-4 times per week I Low resistance T High reps (12-20) – 2/3 week? Moderate resistance 60% of max?

7 FITT – Strength F I T 2-4 times per week
High resistance (not for beginners) T Low reps (6-9) Near maximal resistance 70-85% of max 9

8 FITT – Flexibility F 2-7 times per week I Stop before pain sets in – 30% of max? T 15 seconds or more to  ROM dynamic before, static after, PNF with assistance from professional

9 Overload Principle Exercise resistance must be increased as the body adjusts throughout the training program - _______% a week max To develop strength, endurance and hypertrophy – overload Heredity limits increase 9

10 Specific Adaptation to
SAID Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand Forcing the body to higher levels of stress Body responds to the overload 10

11 Specificity of Training
Training s/b relevant to demands Train: appropriate energy systems Aerobic/ Anerobic Alactic/ Anerobic lactic movement patterns (muscle action) muscle group (fibre type) Joints 16

12 Training not transferable
Racquet sports =  intense/anaerobic intervals Marathon – moderate/aerobic

13 Principle of Muscle Balance
Train both sides of a joint to avoid injury and imbalance Hamstrings - ______________ Biceps - __________________

14 Loss of Training Use it or lose it! Ten days shows decline 15

15 Loss of Training  exercise = 5% loss of strength every 72 hours
 VO2 Max – aerobic capacity alveoli, hemoglobin,  O2 uptake – myoglobin  stroke volume  muscle enzyme activity 15

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