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S.A. Business Intelligence

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1 S.A. Business Intelligence
Team Structure MISSION: Providing strategic and tactical support to business units in driving business decisions based on insights available in public and private datamarts Strategic Support Support business decision makers in strategic planning decisions regarding pricing, marketing, product mix to assist in growing and expanding the business Tactical Support Ad-hoc analysis of data sets to inform tactical decisions such as go/no-go decisions, placement, design choices S.A. Business Intelligence Data Mgmt & Technology James Riley (WI) Advanced Analytics Teresa Hsu (CA) Market Analytics Jill Crystal (VA) Functional Groups Overseeing datamarts, acquisition, currency, accuracy, purging, archiving Supporting customer requests for ad-hoc and specialized analysis and reporting Competitive analysis using primary and secondary sources (web research, SEC filings, interviews, proxy data) Regional Leads Business Units West Donna Atch (CA) Central OPEN East Jill Crystal (VA) Regioinal Leads act as point of contact with local clients, manage the relationship, business development, proactive and reactive support

2 Project Gold Close-Out
Project Plan: Key Stakeholders Roy Sandra Kristi Alice Fred Kickoff Template Project Gold Kickoff Project Plan Test Case Rube Goldberg Project Close-Out Project Gold Close-Out Responsible Accountable Consult Inform

3 What is a business coach?
Helps you look at the big picture Guides you in enhancing your business skills Provides candid feedback Helps you identify business opportunities Links you with other professionals Helps you through business transitions Listens to the problems you are facing Helps you set goals Encourages and motivates you

4 Sales Sales in all regions are trending up in 2011, indicating an end to the global recession. NA sales are the softest and recovering more slowly, perhaps because of USD exchange rates. Europe sales expected to grow rapidly over next 3 years with new manufacturing capacity.

5 BI vs Business Reporting
Data that supports strategic decision making and helps prioritize investments Strategic Value Forecasts and Opportunity Mapping Real-time tracking and reporting on threats and opportunities Reporting against goals and benchmarks for management by exception Pricing simulations Product conjoint analysis If/Then scenarios Market sizing and timing Multivariate analysis of mean Analysis and Decision Support Clean, accurate, accessible datamarts with timely and relevant data Reports Evolution of better decision making…. Info Mart gave us data to tell us what happened LTV’s tell us the relative “value” to the organization Modeling helps prioritize the marketing Optimization actually tells us the selection based on the desired objectives and constraints C.I. Pricing Market share forecasts Ops Management OpsView DBS Reports Sales Tracking Data InfoMart, Active member file DBS Extracts Subscriptions Looking Backward Looking Forward

6 Our Health-Care Consulting Expertise
Deep understanding of the complex physician-hospital relationships Well-versed in health-system communications/diverse stakeholder groups Good working relationships with internal strategy and planning Experience with community hospitals, physicians and health systems. Familiarity with effective models from national systems We know the models, but more importantly, we know what models work. Experience Relationship-Development Continuity Subject-Matter Expertise Full services from vision development through implementation Robust in-house resources to meet project needs Ongoing team collaboration Integrated, in-house expertise devoted to clinical and research program development Actively involved in industry groups and thought-leadership. Involved in the development of national guidelines and best practices. Title. Rewrite the slide title as a question, conclusion, thesis or list title Signposts. All the text is the same size. Use larger text as signposts to direct people to different sections Alternating text. Summarize the bullet points into a single statement using text smaller than the signpost April 21, 2019

7 Poor Change Mgmt Consequences
Reduced productivity Resist passively Resist actively Employee turnover Apathy toward the environment Disagreements about moving forward Increased absenteeism Lack of support for changes Short-cutting the system Old habits resurface Change effort is abandoned “Tribes” form

8 Total Circle K – Shopper Demand Indices
Trusted Brands “Brand I Trust”* Total Circle K – Shopper Demand Indices Coca Cola has by far the most trusted brands among C-Store Cola Category shoppers Coca Cola Shopper Profiles align strongly with those of shoppers in Circle K’s store locations

9 Fraud Prevention Don't leave personal information such as your name, address, date of birth and Social Insurance Number lying around at home, in your vehicle or at work. Choose a PIN that is difficult to guess, and never write it down or give it to anyone. In stores, keep your card in sight at all times to prevent "skimming" or "swiping"—when a thief passes your credit card through a device that reads and records the information from the magnetic stripe. If you notice something suspicious about a credit card device at a store or automated bank machine, report it to the merchant's head office and to your credit card issuer. If you receive a reissued or replacement credit card, destroy the old one as soon as the new one is activated. If you don't receive a reissue or replacement by the time your card expires, contact your credit card issuer. Don't give out credit card information over the phone, unless you have made the call yourself and know that the party you are dealing with is legitimate. Don't give out credit card information by . This is not secure. Make sure the website you are using is secure before transmitting credit card information, and keep your computer firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware systems up to date. Lock your mailbox if possible. Also, notify the credit card company when you are going away on a trip. That way they will monitor the use of your card for any suspicious activity while you are away.

10 Sales Tools & technology project timelines
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Q2 Q3 Q4 Office update Windows update Excel update Other desktop app updates Server replacements upgrade Mobile infrastructure Smartphone deployment Tablet deployment Deploy Build QA Deploy* *Indicates a tentative deployment date QA Deploy* Trial Final Req Design Build QA Deploy* Solution Definition Analysis/Design Build QA Deploy* Entry Gate Design Build QA Trial Deploy* Design Build

11 Business & Professional Courses
Curriculum Title Target Audience Duration Suggested # of students to be trained Estimated # of conducts Feed back Industry BA Bootcamp Business Analysts, Sr. Consultants 30 180 4 +1 in EMEA Industry Foundations New to 6-mths Mgr (CM, PM, PL, DL, TL) 18 250 10 Industry Advanced Mgr. – Dir level, Prerequisite: MEP Foundations 25 50 3 Management Embracing Change Grp.Mgr/ Dir level, Prerequisite: 2+ yrs as people managers 16 140 2 4 (TTT) Motivating Team Performance Grp. Mgr/ Dir level (asking to change to incl. Sr. Cons level) Cost covered by GHR Sales Sales Bootcamp New Sales Hires 36 1 US conduct + 3 WW - Solution Selling New Sales Hires, New to Sales Role, Solution Architects 65 1 US conduct + 3 WW Negotiation Skills PM: Grp. Mgr+, BD: Grp. Mgr+ 120 1 3 + 1 APAC Managing Growth Accounts Technology roles and that also fulfill a heavy client relationship management responsibility 24 150 ?

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