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Environmental Health & Safety

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1 Environmental Health & Safety
Lineage Logistics Environmental Health & Safety Safety Committee

2 A Safety Committee is …. ….. an integral element of a comprehensive Safety and Health Program. It serves to demonstrate top management’s direction and commitment to Safety as a priority of the organization. Safety Committee 2012

3 Purpose The main purpose of a safety committee is to help promote a safety culture in the workplace. Safety Committee 2012

4 Build enthusiasm for safety programs Reduce / Prevent Injuries
Goal Safety Awareness: improve the overall safety awareness. Support the Safety Department’s program and training needs Build enthusiasm for safety programs Reduce / Prevent Injuries Safety Committee 2012

5 Safer work environment Better communication Increases safety awareness
Benefits - Employees Safer work environment Better communication Increases safety awareness Enhanced employee morale Safety Committee 2012

6 Responsibilities - Chairperson
Organize agenda items, speakers, and other related materials for meeting Forward recommendations to appropriate management personnel Follow-up to past recommendations and report status Conduct meeting in orderly fashion Safety Committee 2012

7 Responsibilities - Secretary
Prepare meeting agenda and notify members of date and location Gather agenda items and related materials Roll call of members Record minutes Safety Committee 2012

8 Responsibilities - Members
Attend all meetings and actively participate Set a positive example for safe performance Influence others to work safely Participate in accident investigation and review Report unsafe acts or conditions Safety Committee 2012

9 Functions of the Committee
Provide a forum for formulation and discussion of health and safety policies. Provide a channel through which policies can be recommended for adoption by management. Generate ideas for improving health and safety. Stimulate interest of employees. Review and update safety training plans. Set reasonable attainable goals Safety Committee 2012

10 Agenda Guidelines The agenda should be typed on company letterhead.
Limit it to one page in length and include: Title Date Location Starting and ending time Topics of discussion Minutes of previous meeting Chairperson's report Reports from subcommittees Old business (Items not completed at previous meetings) New business Safety Committee 2012

11 Safety benefits everyone, but most importantly……
Safety Committee Safety benefits everyone, but most importantly…… You! After all it’s your “Employee Safety Committee”. Safety Committee 2012

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