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Status report of the cycle and gearshift issues task force (GSTF)

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Presentation on theme: "Status report of the cycle and gearshift issues task force (GSTF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status report of the cycle and gearshift issues task force (GSTF)
WLTP-23-04e Draft Status report of the cycle and gearshift issues task force (GSTF) Heinz Steven 1

2 Overview Decisions at WLTP IWG #22 with regard to amendment proposals for annex 2, Timeplan of a new round robin test as discussed and adopted in WLTP IWG #22, Informal annex describing the differences between GTR #15, amendment 5 and EU WLTP 2nd act amendments related to annex 2 of the GTR. 2

3 Amendment proposals for annex 2
At WLTP IWG #22 the following amendment proposals for annex 2 were presented and discussed. Paragraph 2 (editorial modifications), Para 3.3 (modifications for clutch operation and eng. speed), Paragraph 4 (a) (supplement for more reasonable results), Paragraph 4 (b) as discussed and adopted at , improved text in addition, Improved examples in paragraph 4 (b) as discussed at amended with this revision, Paragraph 4 (c) as proposed in appendix 1 of the minutes from the GSTF web-telco at After intense discussions and an exchange with GSTF members all proposals were adopted by IWG. 3

4 New round robin test for calculation tools
The participation of interested parties should be indicated to the TF leader by end of April This date should be extended to end of May. Up to now 7 parties confirmed their participation Tentative time schedule: Start of the RRT mid of May 2018, Delivery of the results (time series of the gear use for the 34 example vehicles) till end of June 2018, Analysis of the results and report till mid of August 2018, Presentation of the results at IWG # 24 September 2018. 4

5 New round robin test for calculation tools
An amended ACCESS tool was uploaded to the UNECE WLTP IWG server at together with an Excel file with the input data of the example vehicles and the amended text of the GTR whose annex 2 shall be used as basis for the RRT. The number of example vehicles was increased to 34 in order to improve the variety of technical design parameters. Vehicles 31 and 32 are M1 vehicles, vehicle 33 is a N2 vehicle and vehicle 34 is a vehicle where 1. gear is treated as crawler gear. 5

6 New round robin test for calculation tools
Unfortunately, still some bugs were found in the ACCESS tool, so that there was a need to replace it by a corrected version. The corrected version should now be ok, it was tested with an extended vehicle sample (109 vehicles). But it needs to be mentioned that this does not affect the GTR text. No further amendments other than editorial corrections are necessary so far. 6

7 Thank you for your attention!
End Thank you for your attention! 7

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