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1 PUBLICATIONS PROGRAMME 2005 13 December 2004

2 Policy lines Guidelines approved by the Eurostat Board
Free dissemination of data → Free dissemination implies a fundamental change in Eurostat’s dissemination activities: Access to data should be simplified Publications should become more visible Resources should concentrate on databases and key products (Panoramas, Pocketbooks, SIFs)

3 Guidelines Keep the publications programme stable (number of titles and production costs) Reduce production delays - Preparatory work - Extraction date Improve the reliability of the planning - Completion rate - Better follow-up

4 2005 programme Number of titles (by collection) 2002 PSP 2003 PSP
Number of planned titles 129 91 54 49 Panorama of the EU 19 20 10 9 Pocketbooks 7 14 Detailed tables 85 52 22 15 Research in official statistics 2 6 5 Eurostat news 11 4 Special brochures (Portrait of the EU, EU agriculture) - 1

5 2005 programme Dissemination medium 2002 PSP 2003 PSP 2004 PSP
Number of planned titles 129 91 54 49 On paper + PDF 67 22 29 On CD/DVD-ROM 25 13 6 4 Combined (paper + CD-ROM) 9 5 PDF only 10 19 Special brochures (paper + PDF) - 1 2

6 New titles Pocketbook «Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries» Pocketbook «Lifelong learning – Education and training in Europe» Pocketbook «Health in Europe» Pocketbook «Tourism statistics» Pocketbook «Food safety statistics» Pocketbook «External and intra-EU trade» Panorama «Tourism statistics yearbook» Special brochure «Facts and figures on the EU agriculture» Detailed table «Rural development statistics» Detailed table «Gas and electricity market statistics»

7 Special features Title re-launched: «Energy: monthly statistics» (pdf-only) New editions of the following titles: → «Consumers in Europe: Facts and figures» (Panorama) → «Environment statistics (Pocketbook) → «Sustainable development indicators» (Panorama)

8 Conclusions Constant decrease in the number of titles
Some regular titles not included in the programme («European business: Facts and figures», «Population statistics») New titles created to cover subjects not previously treated («Food safety statistics») or to present statistics in a more attractive way («Facts and figures on the EU agriculture») Significant number of titles planned for end of 2005

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