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What jobs could you get with a languages qualification?

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2 What jobs could you get with a languages qualification?
Write down your ideas on the paper. What jobs could you get with a languages qualification?

3 My path to becoming a teacher

4 What do you think the top 5 most employable degrees are?
Medicine/Dentistry Education Law German French Do any of these answers surprise you? Why?

5 Why study languages? 94 What percentage of people don’t speak English? How many countries does the UK regularly trade with? How many languages are spoken in the UK? How many countries does Nissan operate in? What percentage of modern languages graduates are employed? 92 311 112 95

6 Learning a language increases your wage by 10-15%
Why study languages? Did you know? Learning a language increases your wage by 10-15%

7 What skills do you gain by studying languages?
Communication Problem solving Listening Interpreting Analysis Short and long term memory skills Confidence Decision making Why are these skills important to employers?

8 What is Brexit? The European Union is a group of 28 countries that work together and have special trade links. In June 2016, the UK voted to leave this union.

9 What impact will Brexit have on your future plans?

10 Will languages be more or less important after Brexit?

11 “To do trade with the EU, the UK may need high- level negotiators fluent in languages such as German and French. Currently it does not have many of these.” – The Guardian   “Spain is, in my experience, the only country in Europe where business events do not automatically take place in English.”

12 https://www. theguardian

13 Jobs with an MFL qualification
Travel agent Translator Armed forces Lawyer Teacher Foreign correspondent Publisher Interpreter Marketing executive Engineer Pilot Meteorologist Visual merchandiser Public relations Game designer Journalist

14 Why languages are important

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