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Vivek Y. Reddy et al. JACEP 2016;2:

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Presentation on theme: "Vivek Y. Reddy et al. JACEP 2016;2:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vivek Y. Reddy et al. JACEP 2016;2:691-699
Average Contact Force per Ablation Site Around the Right and Left Pulmonary Veins (A) Sample size (n) and distribution of average ± SD CF following coding defined in Figure 1. (B) Sample 3-dimensional electroanatomic mapping shows the color-coded topographic variability in the distribution of user-defined thresholds for the contact force (Carto 3 System). The colors on the ablation lesions correspond to the pulmonary vein segments. CF = contact force; other abbreviations as in Figure 1. Vivek Y. Reddy et al. JACEP 2016;2: American College of Cardiology Foundation

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