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Heat Engines forward and backward § 15.8–15.10.

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Presentation on theme: "Heat Engines forward and backward § 15.8–15.10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat Engines forward and backward § 15.8–15.10

2 Heat Engines Divert heat flow

3 Heat Engine Qh = W + Qc Qc/Tc ≥ Qh/Th
Heat flow can be diverted to useful work As long as entropy still increases

4 Heat Engine e = W /Qh Efficiency = e One type of performance Th Tc Qh
Qc W Tc e = W /Qh Efficiency = e One type of performance

5 Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
push heat upstream

6 Devices Refrigerator Heat Pump
Removes heat from interior, lowering the temperature Goal: keep interior colder than exterior Heat Pump Transfers heat from cold surrounding to warm interior Goal: keep interior warmer than exterior

7 Heat Pump or Refrigerator
Th Qh = W + Qc Qh/Th ≥ Qc/Tc Qh W Qc Tc Heat flows uphill! Still, entropy must increase

8 Performance of a Refrigerator
Th Qh W Qc Tc We want Qc, must provide W COP = Qc/W

9 Performance of a Heat Pump
Th Qh W Qc Tc We want Qh, must provide W COP = Qh/W

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