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Presentation on theme: "UNITED STATES HISTORY…"— Presentation transcript:


2 Early English explorers were looking for a northern sea route from the Atlantic to the Pacific. What was that route called?

3 The Northwest Passage.

4 What was the PRIMARY reason the FIRST British colonists settled in North America?

5 TO MAKE $$$

6 What colony was founded by the Virginia Company?

7 Jamestown.

8 What did the The Virginia Company expect to discover in Jamestown?

9 Gold.

10 What crop “saved” Jamestown?

11 Tobacco.

12 What is a joint-stock colony?

13 A colony founded by investors, to make money.

14 Give an example of a colony that was founded by a joint-stock company:

15 Jamestown; Massachusetts Bay

16 Why did such a large percentage of the Jamestown settlers die before the end of the first year?

17 The colony was located in a swampy, disease-ridden environment with little fresh water and inadequate food sources.

18 What was the House of Burgesses?

19 The first legislative body in the colonies.

20 What is the function of a legislative body?

21 To make laws.

22 Who were indentured servants?

23 People who worked for a “master” for 7 years, in exchange for transport from Europe to the colonies.

24 The MOST important effect of Bacon's Rebellion was that it...

25 Led to the increased use in AFRICAN SLAVES instead of INDENTURED SERVANTS.

26 Explain the ultimate outcome of the Jamestown colonists’ relationship with the Powhatan-led Native Americans:

27 Their relationship was initially peaceful but then descended into violence.

28 What was the Middle Passage?

29 The forced transport of Africans from West Africa to the Americans to become slaves.

30 The Middle Passage was one leg of an intercontinental system of trade– what’s the name of the system?

31 The Triangular Trade.

32 What was the capital of New France?

33 Quebec.

34 Which colony was established by Puritan Separatists (or Pilgrims)?


36 What was the Great Migration?

37 The movement of thousands of people from England to the colonies.

38 What colony was established by John Winthrop for the Puritans?

39 Massachusetts Bay.

40 Mass. Bay was envisioned as a “City upon a Hill” by its founder, John Winthrop. Explain:

41 Its inhabitants were to set an example of a “pure” society for the rest of the world to follow.

42 Which conflict began as a result of Indian fury over the continual expansion of white settlements in North America?

43 King Phillip’s War.

44 Explain the result of King Phillip’s War:

45 Indian tribes in the Northeast were largely wiped out.


47 The policy of allowing Massachusetts citizens PARTIAL membership in the Puritan Church.

48 Explain what happened in the Salem Witch Trials:

49 Young girls accused people in Salem of witchcraft; 20 were hanged.

50 What underlying issue do historians blame for the witch-hysteria that accompanied the Salem Witch Trials?

51 A feeling among many Puritans that the New England colonies had abandoned their religious foundation.

52 What colony was established by Roger Williams? Why was it unique?

53 Rhode Island—religious tolerance.

54 Which Puritan leader was ejected from Mass
Which Puritan leader was ejected from Mass. Bay and was eventually killed by Indians in an unsettled part of New York?

55 Anne Hutchinson.

56 Explain Mercantilism:

57 Countries should try to get—and keep—as much gold and silver as possible. This should be done by importing raw materials and exporting finished goods.

58 Which war ended as the result of the Treaty of Paris, 1763?


60 Whose economy depended upon trade with the Indians for beaver fur?

61 The economy of New France.

62 In which region did West African slaves mostly live and work in the English colonies?

63 On plantations in the South.

64 Which colonial figure became a great symbol of social mobility in colonial America?

65 Benjamin Franklin.

66 Which colony was founded by William Penn?

67 Pennsylvania.

68 Pennsylvania was a refuge for which persecuted group of pacifist Christians?

69 The Quakers.

70 The Mayflower Compact established the concept of:

71 Self Government.

72 New York City was originally named—and owned—by whom?

73 New Amsterdam; the Dutch.

74 What colonial region had the most active interest in public education?

75 New England.

76 After one-hundred years of declining enthusiasm for religion, the colonies experience an event called the…

77 Great Awakening.

78 Why were the New England Puritans so committed to teaching their children to read?

79 So that they could read the Bible.

80 What was the foundation of the economy of the Middle Colonies?

81 Commerce—buying and selling goods.

82 Name one of the Middle Colonies:

83 NY, NJ, Pennsylvania & Delaware.

84 What were the sides in the French and Indian War?

85 The British vs. the French & the Indians.

86 Explain the Proclamation of 1763:

87 The territory west of the Appalachian Mountains is off-limits to American colonists.

88 Explain the role of the British Parliament:

89 It functions as Great Britain’s legislature.

90 What was the Stamp Act?

91 A tax on printed materials.

92 Explain the protest cry, “No taxation without representation!”

93 The colonists had no representation in the British Parliament; therefore they had no voice in government.

94 Who were the Sons of Liberty?

95 A group of rebellious Americans who enforced opposition to the Stamp Act.

96 What is a boycott?

97 The organized refusal to purchase certain goods or services as a form of nonviolent protest.



100 Explain ONE of the provisions of the Intolerable Acts:

101 Boston Harbor is shut down; Martial Law is declared in Massachusetts.

102 Why did the First Continental Congress convene?

103 To protest the Intolerable Acts.

104 The First Continental Congress urged the Colonists to form militias
The First Continental Congress urged the Colonists to form militias. What is a militia?

105 A militia is a civilian military.


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