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160 POSTER #1 What is the numeral (standard form) for one million, three hundred fifty-two thousand, twenty one? Solve the problem above then locate the.

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Presentation on theme: "160 POSTER #1 What is the numeral (standard form) for one million, three hundred fifty-two thousand, twenty one? Solve the problem above then locate the."— Presentation transcript:

1 160 POSTER #1 What is the numeral (standard form) for one million, three hundred fifty-two thousand, twenty one? Solve the problem above then locate the poster with the correct answer in the upper right corner.

2 42,971 POSTER #2 What is the numeral (standard form) for three million, twenty eight thousand, fourteen?

3 What is the word form for 352, 001?
63,890 POSTER #3 What is the word form for 352, 001?

4 200 POSTER #4 What is the word form for 382, 281?

5 386,089 8 hundreds 9 tens 3 thousands 6 ten thousands
POSTER #5 Build the standard form of this number: 8 hundreds 9 tens 3 thousands 6 ten thousands

6 3,028,014 9 hundreds 7 tens 2 thousands 4 ten thousands 1 ones POSTER
#6 Build the standard form of this number: 9 hundreds 7 tens 2 thousands 4 ten thousands 1 ones

7 1,352,021 Find in standard form: 900,000 + 20,000 + 5,000 + 200 + 3
POSTER #7 Find in standard form: 900, , ,

8 Three hundred eighty-two thousand, two hundred eighty one
POSTER #8 Find in standard form: 300, , ,

9 Round to the nearest hundred.
925,203 POSTER #9 Round to the nearest hundred. 157

10 157 Round to the nearest ten. POSTER #10
Three hundred fifty-two thousand, one POSTER #10 Round to the nearest ten. 157

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