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A Holistic Education for Secondary School Students - LEAPS 2.0

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1 A Holistic Education for Secondary School Students - LEAPS 2.0
Peicai Secondary School

2 To share: the purpose of Co-curricular Programmes
the intent & domains of LEAPS 2.0 & how parents can support the holistic development of your child

3 Co-Curricular Programmes
4 structured programmes that complement the academic curriculum To help students achieve a holistic education, schools offer a range of co-curricular programmes that complement the academic curriculum. May want to share a bit about the school’s offering for each programme Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) Student Leadership Development Values In Action (VIA) Enrichment & Lifeskills Programme

4 Social-Emotional Competencies 21st Century Competencies
Co-Curricular Programmes support the holistic development of the child Provides multiple avenues to nurture students to prepare them for their future work and life The co-Curricular programmes provide multiple avenues to achieve holistic student outcomes. 1. The development of values & life skills in each child will equip the child to handle the challenges in life later on. 2. A holistic education also supports students to discover their strengths, interests and talents. Students tend to flourish in areas they are interested in. Thus, as far as possible, we should allow them to pursue their areas of interest. Character & Values Social-Emotional Competencies 21st Century Competencies Interests & Talents

5 holistic development of your child
Role of Parents in the holistic development of your child Reinforcement of values, life skills, interests and strengths at home As parents, you play an important role in ensuring your child’s holistic and balanced development. Your child benefits most when the emphasis on developing values, life skills and your child/ward’s interests and strengths are reinforced at home.

6 Recognition System for Co-Curricular Attainment
Leaps 2.0

7 Leadership Enrichment Achievement Participation Service LEAPS 2.0
DOMAINS to recognise students’ holistic development LEAPS is the acronym for 5 domains of development, namely leadership, enrichment, achievement, participation and service.

8 LEAPS 2.0 4 domains has levels of attainment: 1 - 5 Participation
Achievement Leadership Service The intent of LEAPS 2.0 is to affirm students for their efforts in holistic development. Through the school’s co-curricular programmes, students development in 4 domains – Participation, Achievement, Leadership and Service – will count towards their bonus points for admissions to post-secondary institutions. For the 4 domains included in bonus points computation, students may obtain levels of attainment that runs from level 1 to level 5 (as you can see in the document that you have). Brief elaboration on each domain: Participation - recognises your child’s membership in a school-based CCA Achievement - recognises your child’s achievements from representing the school or an external organisation approved by the school. Examples include representation and accomplishment at different platforms such as concerts and competitions. Leadership - recognises your child’s development as a leader Service - recognises your child’s contributions in community service

9 LEAPS 2.0 Enrichment domain complements the other domains for students’ holistic development Will be recognised in School Graduation Certificate Will not have levels of attainment Students’ development in the Enrichment domain will be recorded in their co-curriculum certificate and School Graduation Certificate. Enrichment complements the other 4 domains to complete holistic development for the child. The school will offer enrichment programmes based on students’ needs. They can be from the areas of Citizenship Self Management and Social Skills Physical Activities and Sports Aesthetics Enterprise

10 INTENT OF LEAPS 2.0 Motivate students towards holistic and balanced participation through the co-curricular programmes Facilitate the learning of values, skills and competencies for life Recognise diverse interests of students; developing students to be self-directed learners Recognise the “home-school-community” approach to holistic development of every child LEAPS supports students’ learning and development in the co-curricular programmes. Participation in the co-curricular programmes facilitates your child’s learning of values, skills and competencies for life. LEAPS motivates students to develop holistically by taking part in activities that will develop them in a balanced way across the different domains. We recognise that students may have diverse interests and some may pursue these interests outside school. On top of their school-based CCA, students’ representation and achievement with external organisations approved by the school will be recognised under LEAPS 2.0. In recognising students’ external achievements, community resources are harnessed to develop the child. In effect, LEAPS 2.0 better emphasises the importance of the home-school-community partnership in contributing to the development of our young.

11 Key Information on LEAPS 2.0 Domains
Participation Affirms students’ sustained development in school-based CCA throughout secondary school Student can choose from Sports, Arts, Uniformed Groups, Clubs and Societies Achievement Affirms students’ character development and efforts in representing the school/external organisations in events Students diverse interests and talents are recognised as events can go beyond CCA and beyond school Participation Sustained engagement in the same CCA allows for better progressive development of character, skills, knowledge and friendships, and will be accorded higher recognition. School-based CCA refer to those organised by the school or endorsed by the school. Achievement This domain recognises students’ representation and accomplishment in co-curricular involvements. The achievements may go beyond the child’s CCA and also beyond the school, with the child’s representation of school-endorsed external organisations. Opportunities for representation present valuable learning experiences for students to learn discipline, resilience and develop their character. Students may represent the school or organisations endorsed by the school. Recognising external opportunities better caters to students’ diverse interests and talents. When students win accolades from the competitions, they will be accorded higher recognition.

12 Participation Domain in LEAPS 2.0
At least 75% attendance each year Levels 1 - 4: Participation in a CCA for 2 to 5 years Levels 4 – 5: Continuous involvement in the same CCA for 4 or 5 years Levels 3 – 5: Exemplary conduct and active contribution in CCA with at least 3 years of participation in any CCA A look at the broad recognition criteria. Details are found in the parents’ handout for LEAPS 2.0.

13 Achievement Domain in LEAPS 2.0
Representation Level 1: Represent class / house / CCA (Intra-school) Representation/Accomplishment Levels 2 – 4: Representation school or external organisation in an event Accomplishment in an event represented Levels increase with no. of years of representation/accomplishment Level 5: Represent/accomplish Singapore / MOE / Singapore Schools / National Project of Excellence (NPOE) / UG HQ in international UG competitions This slide shares a bit more on achievement. Details in handout. Level 1: Intra –school Does not recognise mass participation - representation is needed. E.g. school cross-country where everyone takes part may or may not be counted. If all students either represent class or CCA or house etc., it can be counted even though everyone participates. Level 2: Event can be local or international . Generally, local and international events are pegged at the same levels as the standards of international competitions can vary widely. The focus is more on students’ participation and development. Level 2-4 is for representation over 1, 2 and 3 or more years respectively. Level 3-4 is for accomplishment over 1-2 years respectively. Level 5: Highest level of representation/accomplishment where only some students will be able to reach. Recognition honours the high rigour demanded at these established platforms and recognises the efforts and mastery of these students to qualify. E.g. International Olympiads, regional games, etc. NPOE = Singapore Youth Chinese Orchestra and Singapore National Youth Orchestra

14 Key Information on LEAPS 2.0 Domains
Leadership Affirms students’ development as a leader Students are developed through leadership modules, National Youth Achievement Award and leadership positions. Service Affirms students’ contributions to the community and development as responsible and active citizens Students serve the community through schools’ Values-In-Action programmes Leadership Recognition is accorded to students’ ability to take charge of personal development, work in a team and assume responsibilities in service of others. In addition to formal leadership appointments, participation in student leadership modules/workshops, the National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) and leadership positions in the school, CCA or student-initiated/student-led projects will also be recognised. Service This domain recognises students’ development as socially responsible citizens who contribute meaningfully to the community. Every secondary school student will contribute at least 6 hours per school year to the community. They can choose to embark on a Values-In-Action project (VIA). Students will be recognised for the time they put into planning, service and reflection, when participating in a VIA project.

15 Leadership Domain in LEAPS 2.0
Level 1: Completed 2 modules on leadership Levels 2 – 3: National Youth Achievement Award: Level 2: Bronze Level 3: Silver and above Levels 2 – 5: Recognition of progressive student leadership development through leadership positions Details in hand out. Schools are also able to customise leadership positions that are meaningful for students’ leadership development.

16 Service Domain in LEAPS 2.0
Level 1-4: Highest level attained in either: Number of hours of service Number of VIA projects A combination of both Level 5: VIA project: Student-initiated Impacts the community beyond the school Details in handout. For level 5, as opposed to earlier levels, must have impact beyond the school VIA takes alignment from the CCE curriculum which will be rolled out in 2014 – time spent on VIA includes planning, service and reflection components. Student initiative could take the form of proposing ideas for a student group’s VIA or Service-Learning project, facilitated by the teacher, e.g. identifying what community issues the group would like to address and how the group can help address those issues. Verbal examples: Hours for (failed) VIA project  can the quantity of time spent be converted to community service hours? Yes.

17 Recognition of co-curricular attainment
LEAPS 2.0 Recognition of co-curricular attainment

18 Co-Curricular Experience
Basic Requirement for Level of Attainment in Domains Bonus Points Excellent 4,3,3,3 2 Good 4,1,1,1 3,2,1,1 2,2,2,1 1 Fair did not meet above criteria At the end of the graduating year, students’ co-curricular attainment will be recognised according to Excellent/Good/Fair. The level of attainment will be converted to a bonus point(s) which can be used for admission to Junior Colleges/ Polytechnics/ Institutes of Education (JC/Poly/ITE). Optional for School to mention: The use of CCA grade for admission to MI is being reviewed. Key Message LEAPS 2.0 uses only broad bands of co-curricular experience and is much blunted compared to previous LEAPS – there are only 3 possibilities. Though we have blunted the system, students’ attainment is expected to be comparable (based on 2012 national cohort data, about 60%, 25% and 15% for 2, 1 and 0 bonus points). Excellent (2 bonus points) attained a minimum Level 3 in all four domains with at least Level 4 in one domain. Good (1 bonus point) attained a minimum Level 1 in all four domains with any one of the following: At least Level 2 in three domains; At least Level 2 in one domain and at least Level 3 in another domain; or At least Level 4 in one domain. Fair (no bonus points)

19 how to support my child’s holistic development

20 Supporting the Holistic Development of my Child
What kind of person does my child want to be? How can I reinforce my child's learning of values and life skills in his /her Co-Curricular Programmes? Is my child able to cope? How can I help to support him/her in the learning pursuits? How does my child want to pursue this development? What are the possible opportunities that can help support this development? You can discuss the following areas with your child when selecting his/her co-curricular activities. Identifying interests and strengths Example: What is your child interested in? What is your child good at? Setting objectives Example: What kind of person does your child want to be? How can I reinforce my child's learning of values and life skills in his/her Co-Curricular Programmes? Encouraging self-directed learning Example: How does your child want to pursue this development? What are the possible opportunities that can help support this development? Managing commitments Example: Is your child able to cope? How can you help to support him/her in the learning pursuits? What is my child interested in? What is my child good at?

Focus on LEARNING & ENJOYMENT in Co-Curricular Programmes CCA LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT VIA Focus on the development of the child, LEAPS 2.0 is just a tool to support your child’s development. Students will naturally get a good recognition by: natural inclination to like CCP school advice parent encouragement and helping child balance Hence, parents do not need to calculate or over-strategise. The purpose is to learn through CCP and enjoy their CCP. The results will follow that rich learning. ENRICHMENT

22 Feedback Contact Person: Ms Tan Hui Chun HOD PE/CCA Contact

23 Thank You

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