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Human Energy Systems Unit Activity 5.3: Energy Scenarios

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Presentation on theme: "Human Energy Systems Unit Activity 5.3: Energy Scenarios"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Energy Systems Unit Activity 5.3: Energy Scenarios
Carbon: Transformations in Matter and Energy Environmental Literacy Project Michigan State University Human Energy Systems Unit Activity 5.3: Energy Scenarios

2 Show slide 2 of the 5.3 Energy Scenarios PPT.
You are here Use the instructional model to show students where they are in the course of the unit. Show slide 2 of the 5.3 Energy Scenarios PPT.

3 Energy Scenarios Activate prior knowledge.
Remind students of the Three Rules: Atoms Last Forever! Carbon Cycles! Energy Flows! Tell them it is their job today to tell stories about how energy use causes carbon atoms to move. Their stories will be expected to follow the rules!

4 Energy Use Causes Carbon to Move
Biomass organic carbon Atmosphere Inorganic CO2 As carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere continue to rise, so will temperatures. What are the consequences of increasing temperatures for people and the planet? Before the Industrial Revolution, the atmosphere maintained a balance with the biomass pool through photosynthesis and cellular respiration. However, the biomass pool can only sequester a limited amount of carbon. Today, we are adding too much CO2 to the atmosphere pool. This causes an imbalance. Soil organic carbon Fossil Fuels organic carbon Play the energy scenario game. Pass out one card from 5.3 Energy Scenarios Cards to each group. Give the students five minutes to discuss as a group how the energy use on their card causes carbon atoms to move between pools. Ask each group to select a “spokesperson” to share their story with the class. The spokesperson should read the energy use to the class, and use the handout to tell the story of how carbon moves and is transformed. For each story that is told, invite the rest of the class to “fact check.” Do all parts of the story follow the rules? Do carbon atoms ever disappear? When carbon leaves one pool, does it always enter another? If we continue to use fossil fuels at current rates, it will be impossible for the planet to maintain its natural balance between the atmosphere and biomass pool. When we burn fossil fuels in vehicles and buildings, we move carbon from the fossil fuel pool to the atmosphere pool.

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