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Made from an accumulation of various types of sediments

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1 Made from an accumulation of various types of sediments

2 Fragments that result from the breaking (weathering) of rocks, minerals, and organic matter.
Ex. Gravel, clay, silt, pebbles, sand, mud, shells, dirt

3 Ex. Limestone, halite Limestone is a rock that is composed primarily of calcium carbonate. It can form organically from the accumulation of shell, coral, algal and fecal debris. It can also form chemically from the precipitation of calcium carbonate from lake or ocean water. Limestone is used in many ways. Some of the most common are: production of cement, crushed stone and acid neutralization Rock Salt is a chemical sedimentary rock that forms from the evaporation of ocean or saline lake waters. It is also known by the mineral name "halite". It is rarely found at Earth's surface, except in areas of very arid climate. It is often mined for use in the chemical industry or for use as a winter highway treatment. Some halite is processed for use as a seasoning for food.

4 Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
Compaction: sediments are pushed together and water and air are squeezed out. Cementation: water passes through the sediments and dissolved minerals left behind act as a cement to hold the sediments together. Precipitation: minerals clump together and fall out of solution Evaporation: Water evaporates and leaves dissolved minerals behind.


6 Formed from fragments of other rocks which have been weathered and eroded
Classified by the size of the sediments (coarse-pebbles or larger, medium-sand sized, or fine-clay or silt sized)

7 Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from rock fragments that are compacted and cemented over time.
Conglomerate – composed of rounded pebble size rocks. Breccia – composed of angular and sharp cornered rocks. Shale – clay sized particles cemented together.

8 Formed from the remains or traces of animals and/or plants
Ex. Coal (plants), chalk (animal skeletons), organic limestone (shells-CaCO3) Coccolithophores are the most important group of chalk forming plankton. Each miniscule individual has a spherical skeleton called a cocosphere, formed from a number of calcareous discs called coccoliths. After death, most coccospheres and coccoliths collapse into their constituent parts. Most chalks formed during the Cretaceous period, between 100 and 60 million years ago, and chalks of this age can be found around the world.

9 White Cliffs of Dover (England)

10 Formed from minerals that were once dissolved in water.
Either the minerals “settle” out of the water (precipitates) or the water evaporates leaving the minerals behind (evaporites) Classified by their mineral composition Ex. Chemical Limestone (CaCO3), gypsum (CaSO4), halite (NaCl)


12 Chemical Sedimentary Rocks are formed from
minerals that have been dissolved in water. Limestone

13 Stratification – layering of sediments.


15 Ripple marks: formed from the action of wind or water on sand (seen in sandstone)

16 Ripple marks are the result of wind or water. Mud cracks

17 Fossils: remains or traces of plants and/or animals

18 Fossils are the ancient remains of plants and animals.
Concretions form when minerals precipitate from solutions and build up around an existing rock particle. geode


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