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Customers in vulnerable circumstances
MALG, 11 April 2019
P18002: Priority Services – MALG presentation
What are priority services? Services provided by both water and energy companies for customers customers who from time to time may benefit from additional non-financial support Additional support may be beneficial to those facing ill-health, age-related issues, mobility issues, mental health, or alternative communication requirements Customers can register to receive priority services from utility companies, but the data systems are not fully joined up across water and energy. As a result, registrations and data are handled separately What are we proposing to change? In future, customers registering for priority services with one sector will be given the option to be registered for similar priority services within the other sector at the same time. This will save customers having to register separately and will help the relevant utility companies coordinate their responses in an emergency situation United Utilities and Electricity North West successfully completed a pilot study in 2018 that tested single registration, and the necessary legal and operational principles that support the joint project (next slides) We are now working together to facilitate a single registration onto the PSR across England and Wales in water and energy for customers who give their explicit consent, incorporating lessons from the 2018 pilot
P18002: Priority Services – MALG presentation
A joint water/energy sector project will align the existing Priority Services arrangements in the two sectors so that customers benefit from consistent support without needing to register with each of utility provider individually. To minimise the ultimate cost to both energy and water consumers, we will extend the existing processes as much as possible rather than create new ones. Water companies and electricity network companies across England and Wales are on track to share priority services data in both directions by April 2020. Out of Scope: Defining the operational delivery of Priority Service: this will be done by individual water and energy companies. The project will incorporate lessons from a successful pilot study carried out by United Utilities and Electricity North West.
P18002: Priority Services – MALG presentation Mandate
As a result of the differing regulatory regimes, the project mandate is as follows: In energy: Standardisation of priority services and sharing of data within the energy sector is a licence condition, and the exchange of data is facilitated via the central market data system. Energy participants share appropriate data to provide excellent customer services and fulfil their licence obligations. Energy network companies have recognised the benefits of alignment with the water sector and extending data sharing to the water sector, and have committed to do so by April 2020. In water: While there is no current licence condition in the water sector mandating the sharing of data for priority services, water companies have recognised the benefits for customers of doing so. water companies have publicly committed to align the approaches to priority services between water and energy and implement data sharing between the sectors by April 2020.
P18002: Priority Services - MALG presentation Joint sponsorship
Our sponsors own the scope, challenge the proposals in conjunction with their membership and ensure delivery Energy networks Energy suppliers Water sector Trade association sponsor: Tony Glover Director of Policy, Energy Networks Association TBC Energy UK Rob Wesley Head of Policy Water UK Energy sponsor: Jo Giles - Customer Safeguarding Manager, Cadent Chair of the ENA Safeguarding Customers Working Group Water sponsor: Louise Beardmore - Customer Services and People Director, United Utilities
P18002: Priority Services - MALG presentation The current state
Existing energy market system (MRA) Energy participant system Water company system Energy participant system Water company system Separate Registration Separate Registration Utility company customers
Joint Priority Services Project
P18002: Priority Services - briefing pack The primary deliverable Existing energy market system (MRA) Energy participant system Water company system Joint Priority Services Project Data Transfer Energy participant system Water company system Single Registration Single Registration Separate Registration Separate Registration Utility company customers
Deep dive : Needs codes to enable energy – water data sharing
P18002: Priority Services - UKRN visit
Needs codes to enable energy-water sharing Needs codes underpin the collection and recording of priority services data and its transfer between data sharing participants Initial assumption: extensive work to standardise energy sector needs codes would meet most (but probably not all) requirements for energy-water data sharing Tested through joint water – energy project board, dedicated needs codes work stream, and 3rd sector feedback Constructive challenge reduced number of proposed changes to minimise burden on energy sector: No change required for 22 of 27 current needs codes Description changes for 4 current codes 1 current code to be split into two 1 new code for water dependency
P18002: Priority Services - UKRN visit
Needs codes to enable energy-water sharing The proposed changes:
Milestones to PSR go live in April 2020
Rob Wesley
P18002: Priority Services – UKRN visit
Our joint milestones – recap (1) Dec 2018 Water Water registration pilot started to test different technical solutions to sending information to the correct DNO Complete Feb 2019 Energy Energy registration pilot started to test technical solution(s) for DNOs to send information to the correct water company In progress Mar 2019 Water registration pilot completed and report provided to all water companies with recommendations on which approach(es) to adopt; all water companies confirm their approach ENA confirm agreement to change current energy sector only needs codes to meet combined energy and water requirements and make required formal submissions for these changes May 2019 Energy registration pilot completed and all DNOs confirm their approach to sending information to the correct water company July 2019 Formal ratification of changes to needs codes to meet combined energy and water requirements Aug 2019 All water companies procured and installed gateway for message transfer
P18002: Priority Services – UKRN visit
Our joint milestones – recap (2) Sep 2019 Both Training materials for shadow operation, including mandatory business rules, provided to all energy network and water companies Confirmation that energy network and water companies ready to enter shadow operation in October Oct 2019 Start of shadow operation Jan 2020 Lessons learnt from shadow operation shared with all companies Feb 2020 Energy Formal implementation of changes to needs codes to prepare for live operation Mar 2020 Confirmation that all energy network and water companies have acted on lessons learnt from shadow and are ready for cut over from shadow to live Apr 2020 Live operation starts; combined needs codes used consistently by water companies and DNOs, including for the two-way transfer of data between water companies and DNOs
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