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Debate Format 1 minute: Pro Team intro statement

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Presentation on theme: "Debate Format 1 minute: Pro Team intro statement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Debate Format 1 minute: Pro Team intro statement
1 minute: Con Team intro statement 5 minutes: Pro Team expanded argument with evidence 5 minutes: Con Team expanded argument with evidence 5-10 minutes: Moderated free exchange 1 minute: Pro Team closing statement 1 minute: Con Team closing statement

2 Written work to be turned in
A 1 minute opening statement that introduces, but does not develop the team’s key arguments At least 3 well developed arguments that support the team’s pro or con stance A prediction of the opposition’s key one or two arguments and ideas of how to counter those arguments A 1-minute closing statement that summarizes the team’s position Background essay questions and pre-bucketing Documents marked up with questions answered

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