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Problem and Solution Cause and Effect

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Presentation on theme: "Problem and Solution Cause and Effect"— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem and Solution Cause and Effect
Explanation: Explanation: One part of the text presents a problem and then another part presents one or more solutions. The text shows events that are making other events happen. Problem and Solution Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer: Graphic Organizer: Problem Solution Cause Effect Pickle jar is hard to open. Tap the sides of the lid gently with a spoon. Tapping the sides of a pickle jar’s lid The jar’s vacuum seal breaks. Example: Example: A pickle jar is sometimes hard to open. To solve this problem, tap the sides of the lid gently with a metal spoon. Tapping the sides of a pickle jar’s lid breaks the jar’s vacuum seal. This makes it easier to open.

2 Compare and Contrast Sequence
Explanation: Explanation: The text shows how two or more things are alike and different. The text shows events in the order that they happen. Compare and Contrast Sequence Graphic Organizer: Graphic Organizer: 2. Washes cucumbers 4. Sweet Pickle Dill Pickle made with cucumbers, spices, and vinegar sweet not sweet 1. Picks cucumbers. 3. Puts cucumbers in jar. 5.. Example: Example: A sweet pickle is sweeter than a dill pickle because it is made with sugar. However, both sweet pickles and dill pickles are made with cucumbers, spices, and vinegar. When making pickles, Barbara Gibson first picks 3 or 4 dark green cucumbers from her garden. Then, she washes them in cold water. Next, she puts them in a jar.

3 Description Question and Answer
Explanation: Explanation: The text describes/gives information about a topic. The text asks a question and then answers it. Description Question and Answer Graphic Organizer: Graphic Organizer: Description Description Description Average American eats 106 pickles a year. Question Answer Topic What is a pickle? It is a cucumber soaked in vinegar and spices. pickles Description Description Over half of the cucumbers in U.S. are used to make pickles. Description Example: Example: Over half of the cucumbers grown in the U.S. are used to make pickles. The average American eats about 106 pickles per year. What is a pickle? It is a cucumber soaked in vinegar and spices.

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