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Warm-Up On page.

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1 Warm-Up On page

2 #1 What is the value of the digit 2 in 524,065? a. two b. twenty c. two thousand d. twenty thousand

3 #2 What is the place of the digit 5 in 23,459? a. ones b. tens c. hundreds d. thousands

4 #3 Which number is NOT greater than 16,374? a. 16,734 b. 17,437 c. 16,347 d. 16,743

5 Adding and Subtracting Decimals
On page

6 3 Simple Steps: Line up the numbers by the decimal.
Fill in missing places with zeroes. Add or subtract.

7 **Use estimation to see what the answer should be close to.

8 Ex 1): This can estimate to , which is 43. 28.9 + 13.31 42.21 The answer is close to the estimate.

9 Ex 2): This can estimate to , which is 16. 14.12 + 2.3 16.42 The answer is close to the estimate.

10 Ex 3): This can estimate to , which is 15. 49.56 - 35.3 14.26 The answer is close to the estimate.

11 Ex 4): – 19 This can estimate to , which is 70. 88.59 - 19. 69.59 The answer is close to the estimate.

12 Subtracting Across Zeroes
Borrow from the first number that is not a zero All middle zeroes become 9’s. The final zero becomes 10.

13 Ex 5)15 – 9.372 1 15 .000 - 9.372 5 . 6 2 8

14 According to the international Basketball Federation, the official distance around a basketball can be no more than 78.0 centimeters. The distance can also be no less than 74.9 centimeters. What is the difference between these distances?

15 On page (Under your Warm-Up)
Classwork On page (Under your Warm-Up)

16 First Estimate and then find each sum!
1) ) estimate: estimate: sum: sum: First Estimate and then find each difference! 3) ) estimate: estimate: difference: difference:

17 Homework Time

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