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History of the Netherlands

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1 History of the Netherlands

2 Ancient and medieval ages
Roman empire in the Netherlands Frankish kingdom Holy roman empire

3 Unification Duke of Bourgondië
United most small countries in the Nethelands 1473 Netherlands became part of Habsburg Monarchy

4 Revolt against the spanish
Leader of the Netherlands: Willem van Oranje Nassau 1566: Beeldenstorm (statue storm) 1568: Full revolt, start 80 year war 1581: Plakkaat van verlatinghe (first declaration of independence) 1602: United East India Compagnie (VOC) 1621: West Indian Compagnie (WIC) 1648: End of 80 year war with the Spanish ( )


6 Revolt against the spanish
Leader of the Netherlands: Willem van Oranje Nassau 1566: Beeldenstorm (statue storm) 1568: Full revolt, start 80 year war 1581: Plakkaat van verlatinghe (first declaration of independence) 1602: United East India Compagnie (VOC) 1621: West Indian Compagnie (WIC) 1648: End of 80 year war with the Spanish ( )

7 Colonies Indonesia colonisation 1619-1949 South Africa 1648-1843
New York (New Amsterdam) Suriname Dutch Caribbean 1634-present

8 Modern times 1914: Neutral during word war 1
1940: The Nethelands in Europe taken by Nazi-Germany 1942: The Dutch East Indies taken by Japan 1949: Joined NATO, first member 1952: Joined EU, first member

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