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Fig 35-CO This photograph of a rainbow shows a distinct secondary rainbow with the colors reversed. The appearance of the rainbow depends on three optical.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig 35-CO This photograph of a rainbow shows a distinct secondary rainbow with the colors reversed. The appearance of the rainbow depends on three optical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig 35-CO This photograph of a rainbow shows a distinct secondary rainbow with the colors reversed. The appearance of the rainbow depends on three optical phenomena discussed in this chapter—reflection, refraction, and dispersion. (Mark D. Phillips/Photo Researchers, Inc.) Fig 35-CO, p.1095

2 Figure 34. 12 The electromagnetic spectrum
Figure The electromagnetic spectrum. Note the overlap between adjacent wave types. The expanded view to the right shows details of the visible spectrum. Fig 34-12, p.1081

3 Active Figure 34.3 Representation of a sinusoidal, linearly polarized plane electromagnetic wave moving in the positive x direction with velocity c. (a) The wave at some instant. Note the sinusoidal variations of E and B with x. Fig 34-3a, p.1071

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