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School Health Research Network (SHRN)

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1 School Health Research Network (SHRN)
Want to remind you how SHRN supports this whole Wales approach to health and wellbeing Data – at all levels – school/ regional/national and then comparison internationally to allow self evaluation of needs at these different levels to allow a focus on what what is most needed at each levels. Generating evidence – based on the data from the Student Surveys and SEQ which we feed into all levels – Research briefs and webinars Running trials in the health areas we know that are important to all levels… agains to feed into the system… All levels are very busy so we want to make sure that no time is wasted on actions that not proven to work…encourage use of this and other evidence informed practice – with wNHSS

2 Structure of the Network
212 Secondary schools 212 Ysgol Uwchradd Is the

3 Network aims It aims to improve the health and wellbeing of young people in Wales by: Providing robust health and wellbeing data for schools and national/regional stakeholders. Generating new research evidence on how best to improve young people’s health and wellbeing in the school setting Helping schools, and those who support schools, to understand health research evidence and how it can be used in schools Is the red translation right?

4 School Health Research Network Surveys

5 School Environment Questionnaire
One questionnaire filled out by each school every two years. Covers school health policies, practices, leadership and organisation. Can be responsive to the need of Network members. This year’s topics include: Staff wellbeing Work being undertaken to prepare for the new curriculum With a supplement on: Supporting the health and wellbeing of students who are potentially vulnerable to poorer outcomes.

6 Student Health and Wellbeing Reports
Circulated 19th April; first week back after Easter in S.Wales.

7 Local Authority Student Health and Wellbeing Report
County level averages with national averages for comparison School level range Same charts as school SHWBRs No school names included

8 National/international Reports
National Report will be produced in the Autumn International Reports through the HBSC are produced every 4 years

9 Policy Relevant Data to support policy evaluation
School Level Data Policy Relevant Data to support policy evaluation Population Level Data on trends in health Student Health and Wellbeing Survey School Environment Questionnaire Regional Level Data Data Lefel Rhanbarthol Research Data to inform research studies Use model from Gillian’s presentation and translated ones

10 Network research projects
Developing a sexual health intervention for year olds Electronic cigarette use amongst young people Promoting staff mental health (WISE study) Developing a self-harm intervention for schools Restorative practice in schools Impact of student involvement in substance misuse policy development on tobacco, alcohol and drug use Examples here of some of our recent and current projects, showing the range of topics covered. Schools are invited to join these innovative research projects at the events, through the newsletter and through direct invitations sometimes too.

11 Translation of research findings to schools and other practitioners
For ease of understanding research we produce easy to digest research briefs to include: What we already knew What we did What we found Issues to consider What does it mean for my school? Findings are fed back to schools in easy to read, short summaries or Research Briefs…given out with newsletters, webinars and on our website.

12 Webinars 3 a year - 45 minutes from 3.45 - 4.30pm
A short presentation on some school health research with an opportunity for live discussion, then Network news A selection of topics so far: Do Health Promoting Schools make a difference? How might schools influence students’ self-harm and suicidal behaviours? Looked after children’s health and wellbeing 3 webinars/year held at the end of the school day. We have looked at a range of relevant school health topics and a researcher presents and then school staff can then join a discussion either by typing or speaking. All saved on our website…if you want to listen back – it would be great if anypone can join us live

13 Future plans Developing and monitoring SHRN now it is a national network. Encouraging the development of support for special schools and PRUs Considering the feasibility of a primary school network. Collaborating with other UK countries. Talk about Scotland…those offeed to support uKPRP..if you want to add can you make a note on evaluation…

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