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Law and Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Law and Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Law and Society

2 The individual and the law Values and the Law
Values influence and dictate our laws What are examples of laws that reflect the following values? Respect for life? Equality? Freedom and tolerance? Protection of the weak?

3 The individual and the law Values and the Law
Many of us do have conflicting values, therefore laws can be controversial. It is up to Political and Legal system to reconcile these competing values and opinions. Ie compromise to reflect will of the people. What are some examples of laws that divide the community?

4 Law- Definition Laws are formal rules consciously determined by society and are enfoceable by the courts. It is easy to find out what laws there are as they contained in parliament made statutes or common law based on the courts.

5 Functions/roles of Law
Must be remembered that law is both: Written codes AND Legal system, practices and culture that are created to enforce laws.

6 Functions/roles of Law
To promote and represent the values and aspirations of the community. To provide a structure for the creation, enforcement and alteration of the law. To regulate and control the basic activities of humans To provide a clear statement of behaviours to what is acceptable.

7 Functions/roles of Law
A basis for the protection of people. Formal means of dispute resolution. To encourage a culture of respect and observance of the law in society to avoid anarchy.

8 Effective Laws Laws are pointless if they are ignored, not enforced or basically ineffective. What are examples of laws that are ignored by the citizens? Examples of laws not enforced by police? What makes for effective laws?

9 Effective Laws Respected and acknowledged by the community
Applies universally to all Degree of flexibility in its application Complements other laws

10 Effective Laws Clear in its wording
Can be enforced in a straight forward manner Provides appropriate sanctions

11 Classifying Laws Four ways Source of law:
Statute Laws- laws passed through parliament Common Law- laws that are developed over time by the judgments of the courts.

12 Classifying Laws Four ways Activity designed to regulate:
Public law- apply to conduct of whole society, regulate social interaction. Ie/ Constitutional law, industrial realtions law and criminal law.

13 Classifying Laws Four ways Activity designed to regulate:
Private or civil law- regulate conduct of individual with other individuals. These are resolved without police invovlement. Ie/ Contract law (Divorce) Torts(Latin for ‘wrongs’)- negligence, trespass or defamation

14 Rule of law Australia’s representative democracy is based on rule of law. Write a definition for ‘rule of law’.

15 Rule of law No individual is above the law
Laws should express the will of the people Citizens are ore willing to obey the laws as they have direct input. Strong, independent courts led by well trained and impartial judges.

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