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Determination of Higgs branching ratio into

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1 Determination of Higgs branching ratio into π‘Š + π‘Š βˆ’ and 𝑍𝑍
Grant Riley UTK-QFT 2012

2 Branching Ratio Ratio of specific type of decay (channel) to total number of decays Also called decay rate Total decay width changes Based on number of possible Decay products H ->ZZ H ->WW

3 Branching Ratio Differential Width is the percent of the total decay width that is made up of a certain channel Goal of this calculation

4 Lagrangian

5 Lagrangian Rotate through an angle in B, W space
Plug into previous equation for 𝐷 πœ‡ Also knowing that the coefficient needs to equal eQ

6 Lagrangian We can set eQ equal to the coefficient And solve

7 Symmetry breaking This Lagrangian symmetry must be broken
Choose a non zero vacuum expectation value for energy (v) Where

8 Mass Acquisition We choose this gauge to keep the photon massless
4 degrees of freedom, 3 taken by the gauge bosons The 4th to be taken by the Higgs particle

9 Feynman rules Branching diagrams with Feynman amplitude rules
Feynman matrix element is M Branching ratio 𝐡= Ξ“ ΣΓ where Ξ“ is decay rate

10 Matrix element ZZ Decay rate Identical products

11 Matrix Element ZZ After some work

12 Kinematic Restriction
p and q are the 4 momenta of the two products By conservation of energy we can get

13 Further Development Plugging in the restriction on energy
Further reduction

14 Decay Rate Plug this value for 𝑀 2 in the equation for the differential decay rate and take the integral To get

15 Decay Rate WW This decay rate is exactly the same except for a factor of due to the Term which has n = 1 in the π‘Š + π‘Š βˆ’ case because they are not identical products

16 Final branching ratios

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