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How can you excrete waste from your body?

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Presentation on theme: "How can you excrete waste from your body?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can you excrete waste from your body?
Agenda: October 25, Warm Ups–NEW page in Table of Contents 2. Notes: Excretory System Objective: You will be able to identify the main functions of the excretory system of the human organism. Warm Ups What does excrete mean? How can you excrete waste from your body? Fun Fact: The kidneys filter 180 quarts of blood daily

2 What is liquid waste filtered from the blood? Ur___
Agenda: October 26, Warm Ups 2. Waste Removal/ Kidney Filtration Objective: You will be able to identify the main functions of the excretory system of the human organism and how the kidney filters blood. Warm Ups What is liquid waste filtered from the blood? Ur___ What is solid waste removed from the body? fe___ Fun Fact: ¼ of all the blood is filtered by the kidneys every minute.

3 Agenda: October 27, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: October 27, Warm Ups 2. Gizmo: Homeostasis Bring Colored Pencils tomorrow Objective: You will be able to identify how the body ”stays” the same….HomeoSTAsis Warm Ups What is moisture that is excreted from pores in the skin? (CHROME) Username: jmlopezms10 Password: gizmo Fun Fact: The yellow color of urine is caused by bile

4 Agenda: October 28, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: October 28, Warm Ups 2. Human Body Systems Objective: You will be able to color and glue the parts inside the human body. Warm Ups Using San Antonio as a model, what would happen if we couldn’t remove our trash? What would happen if your body couldn’t remove it’s waste? How does your body maintain homeostasis?

5 Do you think this would be organic or inorganic?
Agenda: October 31, Warm Ups 2. Finish Human Body System 3. Intro to Nervous System Objective: You will be able to label, color, and paste the correct organs into the human body. Warm Ups What element do you think all living (biotic) things have? (Hint- It was what was left behind in the test tube in the sugar lab last year). Do you think this would be organic or inorganic? Fun Facts: The adult brain has 14 billion nerve cells and weighs 3 pounds. 1 square inch of skin on the back of your hand has 12,000 nerve endings

6 Agenda: November 1, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: November 1, Warm Ups 2. Notes: Nervous and Endocrine System Objective: You will be able to identify the function of the nervous and endocrine systems. Warm Up What system secretes hormones from glands? What is a group of cells that produce and secrete chemicals? Fun Fact: The liver is the only internal organ that will completely regenerate itself if partly damaged. Up to 25% can be removed and within a short period of time it will grow back to its original size and shape.

7 Agenda: November 2, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: November 2, Warm Ups 2. Name that Gland/A Particular Gland for a Particular Function Objective: You will be able to identify the function of the endocrine system. Warm Ups What are specialized cells in the nervous system? What is a bundle of nerves that extends from the brainstem down to the center of the backbone? Fun Fact: Each half of the brain (left or right)controls the opposite side of the body. The brain operates on the same amount of electricity as a 10 watt light bulb. (small light bulb)

8 Agenda: November 3, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: November 3, Warm Ups 2. Human Reaction Time Lab Objective: You will be able to see if can improve your reaction time. Warm Ups The ___________ nervous system is made of the brain and spinal cord. The ___________nervous system contains all the nerves outside of the central nervous system Fun Fact: The brain uses 25% of the body’s oxygen

9 Agenda: November 4, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: November 4, Warm Ups 2. Endocrine System Objective: You will be able to identify the function of the nervous and endocrine systems. Warm Ups A ________ is a reaction to a stimulus. What is anything an organ can sense and cause a reaction? The ________ nervous system regulates involuntary organs. Fun Fact: The liver is the only internal organ that will completely regenerate itself if partly damaged. Up to 25% can be removed and within a short period of time it will grow back to its original size and shape.

10 Agenda: November 4, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2
Agenda: November 4, Warm Ups 2. Endocrine System Objective: You will be able to identify the function of the nervous and endocrine systems. Warm Ups A ________ is a reaction to a stimulus. What is anything an organ can sense and cause a reaction? The ________ nervous system regulates involuntary organs. Fun Fact: The liver is the only internal organ that will completely regenerate itself if partly damaged. Up to 25% can be removed and within a short period of time it will grow back to its original size and shape.

11 Give an example of a stimulus and a response.
Agenda: November 7, Warm Ups 2. Review Objective: You will be able to identify the function of the nervous system. Warm Ups What are chemicals that tell the body to make a substance or perform a response? Give an example of a stimulus and a response. Fun Fact: The pineal gland located in the center of the brain tells the body the time of day and season of the year.

12 Agenda: November 8, 2016 Test Warm Ups
Objective: Know the parts and functions of the nervous system. Observe the 4 chambers of the pig heart and of the lung, the trachea, bronchi, lung tissue, and brohciole tubes. Agenda: November 8, 2016 Test Warm Ups Fun Fact: The longest nerve in the body is in the leg and extends from the toe to the spinal cord.

13 Agenda: November 9, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2. Reverse Frog Dissection
Would the dermis or epidermis have blood vessels? Where would you find smooth muscle? Where does digested food enter the blood? The ________ in the kidneys separate waste in the kidney. Objective: Know the parts and functions of the body system. Cut out, color and glue the parts of a frog.

14 Agenda: November 10, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2. ONline Frog Dissection
Flow of blood From the body -> right _____ -> _____ ventricle -> pulmonary _________ -> lungs -> _______ vein -> left ______ -> _____ Ventricle -> to the body. Objective: Know the parts and functions of the body system. Cut out, color and glue the parts of a frog.

15 Agenda: November 11, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2. Review Body Systems
Place where 2 bones meet? What is a muscular organ that changes food to chime? Cilia are hairs on a cell that help it move. What helps you move? The _________ system ensures survival of a species. Objective: Know the parts and functions of the body system. Cut out, color and glue the parts of a frog.

16 Agenda: November 14, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2. Finish Human Body Review
What is the flat muscle that moves the lungs? Urine passes from the bladder to the ___________. What is an example of a hinge joint? Which system is responsible for transporting nutrients to the body? Objective: Know the parts and functions of the body system. Cut out, color and glue the parts of a frog.

17 Agenda: November 15, 2016 1. Warm Ups 2. Finish Human Body Review
The ____________ nervous system controls smooth and cardiac muscles. What 2 systems is responsible for pulse and breathing after running? What system protects and covers the body? Objective: Know the parts and functions of the body system. Cut out, color and glue the parts of a frog.

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