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"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead Moving.

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Presentation on theme: ""Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead Moving."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead Moving Ahead… 10/10/12Ready 4 Learning EC Map ECMap Community Coalition Building Process to Date Prepared by: Ready 4 Learning and the Café Institute

2 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map Two Orientations Two Approaches Traditional Social Service Model Focus on Needs Responds to Problems Goal is service People are clients Power comes from credentials Community Building Model Focus on Assets Builds from Opportunities Focus on Community Goals is empowerment Power comes from relationships source: adapted from Mathie.A. and Cunningham, G. Coady International Institute, ABCD manual 2006 and Green, T. (2006) When People care enough to Act.

3 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map Incorporating elements of an Asset-based Community Development (ABCD) Framework Facilitates the community in identifying inherent assets and strengths using: Appreciative inquiry oriented interviews Community mapping and inventory tools Offers a process to mobilize collective potential for capacity building: Determining common vision and goals Linking existing assets and resources (building social capital) Building on previous success Leveraging additional resources as needed (J. Kretzmann, J. McKnight, 2003, Building Communities from the Inside Out)

4 Relevance of J. Epsteins Research (2006) on Family, School, Community Partnerships for ECD process Importance of setting a precedence for families and communities to be engaged in learning in the early years that continues through schooling for later success. Need to engage coalition partners from all spheres of influence around shared interest of student. Opportunities arise from overlapping these spheres. Caring communities can be built intentionally, and they include families that might not become in involved on their own. Caring leads to action… 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map Source: J. Epstein, 2006, School, Family, and Community Partnerships, Preparing Educators and Improving Schools

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6 Bowness/Montgomery/Greenwood Village Early childhood Coalition – Beginning with Conversation 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

7 Coalition Building Communities are well placed to develop strong relationships between families, services, schools and community services to collectively improve outcomes for children. ASK YOURSELF and OTHER… Who lives, works or plays in the community? Who will affect the system? Who can benefit from the solutions ? Who cares enough to act? 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

8 Increasing the Overlapping Spheres Service Providers/Agencies Why Engage the Community? What do the community residents bring? What do the agencies, institutions bring? 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

9 Appreciative Inquiry Human systems grow toward what they persistently ask questions about. - D. Cooperrider and D. Whitney 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

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13 Individual Skills and Talents Talents of the Head Talents of the Heart Talents of the Hands 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

14 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map Source, Adapted from SLF, DFID, CIDA

15 Detailed Asset Inventory 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map GroupPurposeLinks to other groups Interest in ECD Potential Contribution (people, Space, Funds, resources, Contact eg. Community association Lions Club Seniors Group

16 Linking To Data Validates current efforts Situates according to 5 developmental areas Allows response to gaps – clarify desired outcomes Ties into collective vision (Upstart) Build on whats working 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

17 Our Vision… adopted from Upstart: All children from conception to 6 years of age are supported by family and community to reach their optimal development. 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map Our Name: Adopted from the Bowness Early Literacy Project

18 A look at the bigger picture - Ready 4 Learning 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

19 A look at the bigger picture - Ready 4 Learning Community Action for Early Childhood Bowness Coalition 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

20 A look at the bigger picture - Ready 4 Learning Community Action for Early Childhood Bowness Coalition The City Wide Coalition in Calgary 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

21 A look at the bigger picture - Ready 4 Learning Community Action for Early Childhood Bowness Coalition The City Wide Coalition in Calgary UpStart Calgary 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

22 A look at the bigger picture - Ready 4 Learning Community Action for Early Childhood Bowness Coalition The City Wide Coalition in Calgary UpStart Calgary The Province Wide EC Map Project 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

23 Our Mission: Ready 4 Learning is… Working together to create a community in which all young children thrive. 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

24 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map Source: Adapted from Surman, M. and Surman, 2008, Listening to the Stars, The Constellation Model for Social Change.

25 Communication - Awareness - Creating a basis for knowledge of EC development YGG - Get schools out to ECD Coalition GG - Get the word out – websites, blogs, newsletters, and articles in Bowester GGGG - Build awareness of assets – i.e. Parks GG - Normalizing struggles of parenting across socio-economic lines; shared struggles and issues RR - Create awareness of what is already here – i.e. Maps with playgrounds GGG - Knowledge to use schools more. YYYY - Better way of knowing kids capacities and helping them stay on track GR - Information to parents – community assets and resources YG - Manageable format – a place to go and ask questions and access information YY - Reach more local parents YRG - Community Developmental education and screening YRG Collective Possibilities (conversations and meetings) 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

26 Strengthening Collaboration Better Coordination of services* YYYY Resources flexible for easy access YR More collaboration of agencies to promote more active involvement of families (parents) YRGG Build a stronger more reliable community resource center **** YYR 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

27 Creating Opportunities - Create programs and systems for mixed groups RRR - Coffee and Scream location YYYR - Relief Nursery – gathering Place R - Drop-in Gym YYG - Having older kids mentor younger kids and tutor them to achieve success GGY - Programs that are available for working parents YR - Support for families experiencing crisis YY - More opportunities for parents to meet informally and talk about abut raising kids YG - More sharing of resources – toys, books, etc. through lending libraries GG - Bring back vaccination clinic, nurses within community, creates place to run into other mothers RR - Tap into seniors – grandparents reading YGG 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

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30 Action Planning 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map ACTIONWhat do we have to work with? What else is needed? Who is responsible?

31 Growing a balanced community coalition… BusinessesGovernment/Institutions Resources (agencies)Community Individuals Associations 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map Source: P. Born,, adapted from Community Conversation, 2008.s

32 Evaluation and Monitoring Involve participants Tie into collective vision – shared goals and measurement (EDI) Observation/Unintended outcomes Document some results quickly Focus on Intermediate goals Be descriptive – Most significant change? Ongoing sharing and discussing of process and results Acknowledge shortcomings Adapted from: Dewar, T. (1997) A guide to evaluating assets-based community development 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

33 Whats Next for ? Action planning and implementation within working groups Assist in the identification of potential additional Community Connectors for coalition working groups. Establish regular steering committee meetings – fall 2012 and working group planning meetings. Continue asset mapping. Low hanging fruits – taking action 14/12/11

34 Café Institute is an Alberta-based not-for-profit society that connects families, schools, and communities in support of learning. For more information contact Jill Koch at: Education for communities/Communities for education For more information contact Iris Spurrell at Ready for Learning: Prepared in partnership with Ready for Learning by our friends at the : 14/12/11Ready 4 Learning EC Map

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