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Geometric morphometrics and its uses

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Presentation on theme: "Geometric morphometrics and its uses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometric morphometrics and its uses

2 Where is it used? Evolution To quantify shape

3 What is it? Deals with the study of shape
Homologous points represent shape changes Why homologous landmarks?

4 Evolution What can we do with shape? Cladogram Phenogram
The difference?

5 Cladistics Shared characteristics Primitive [0] Intermediate [1]
Derived [2] Building of set of characteristics – up to hundreds of characteristics

6 Phenetics Measurements

7 Drawing of trees in phenetics Procrustes distances
Used to produce phenograms REASONS: In shape space Only available distances that represent the actual distances between taxa or specimens All other values are approximations of these distances

8 Lets go back to GM What is it – phenetics Chosen set of landmarks
Reference build from landmarks

9 landmarks

10 Reference configuration (mean shape)
Only one reference for a data set Identifies the tangent point in Euclidean space

11 What can you get? Thin-plate splines Relative warp analysis
Ultimately phenogram = Quantify shape and evolution

12 Thin-plate splines Perpendicular grid Mean shape = perfect grid



15 Relative warp analysis
PCA of the covariance matrix of the partial warp scores First two relative warps plotted onto each other - indicative of the most variation between the taxa/specimens Picture the relative positions of the taxa/specimens


17 Another example

18 Male consensus female consensus

19 males females

20 Procrustes distance matrix

21 Phenogram

22 Cladogram: evolutionary

23 What do you use? Tps series of programs Tpsdig Tpsrelw Tpssplin


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