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BSBI eNews Monthly e newsletter for the BSBI recording community: Referees, Recorders, budding recorders, active members, committee officers and staff.

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Presentation on theme: "BSBI eNews Monthly e newsletter for the BSBI recording community: Referees, Recorders, budding recorders, active members, committee officers and staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSBI eNews Monthly e newsletter for the BSBI recording community: Referees, Recorders, budding recorders, active members, committee officers and staff. I aim to publish it around the 1st of each month. But that varies a few days either side. Usually less than 5 or 6 sides of A4. It includes articles to support and inform Recorders, Referees and help the BSBI further its aims. But ALL the articles are short and succinct – as befits an E newsletter. With lots of links if you want to read more on topics that particularly interest you. Ordinary members are welcome to sign up too – it’s a great introduction to the range of issues and work that Recorders & Referees deal with - but shouldn’t expect any concessions!

2 BSBI eNews Currently 250 subscribers.
But the September edition was downloaded 350 times! Anyone can sign up to receive the monthly BSBI eNews s. Or if you know anyone who might be interested – please forward my to them. From now there will be a sign up link at the bottom of the .

3 Any experts? Currently BSBI eNews goes out as a link to the pdf on the Publications page using a mailing list which has been gathered by Mailchimp. In future I’d like to publish BSBI eNews using Mailchimp itself but could do with some help! It won’t affect what you see but it will make it easier for me to out. If you are a Mailchimp Expert – come and speak to me!

4 Articles please!! The wider the range of contributors the more interesting BSBI eNews becomes! If you have an idea for a piece that other recorders would find interesting and useful – please send them in. Deadline is the 21st of the month. Must be relevant to the target audience of Recorders & Referees and the recording community. Word limit of 150 or so words. But can have links to longer articles. Photographs, screen grabs, charts & maps welcome!

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