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Cognitive Development in Adolescence

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1 Cognitive Development in Adolescence
Adrienne Stewart, Kiara Fraire, Shayla Smith, Roniqua Smith-Orebo, and Alexis Banks

2 Who Am I? As teens get older, they start to establish their own identity. Personal Identity is a sense of oneself as a unique individual. Later on in a teen’s life they start to understand other’s feelings and their personalities show compassion and responsibility.

3 Influences on development
Social and cultural influences affect a teen’s everyday life. Ex. Family, Peers, Media, and the Future.

4 Cognitive Development
The teen should now be able to conceive all the possible ways they can solve a problem, and can approach a problem from several points of view. Their thoughts become more abstract, and they incorporate the principles of formal logic.

5 cont. •People in Piaget's stage of formal operations can understand deductive reasoning. They can think “if I do this than this will happen.” •Brain maturation and environmental stimulation are key assets in this development. Schooling and culture also play a role.

6 Where are your morals?! Morality is a sense of right and wrong that guides decisions and actions. This guides teens’ behavior as it gives them a greater awareness of the rules of society. -some teens “test the waters” and make unwise choices.

7 Remember not everyone meets formal operations…….

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