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Architecture and the engineering of information

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Presentation on theme: "Architecture and the engineering of information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Architecture and the engineering of information
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture Shen-Guan Shih

2 What an architect does is Information Engineering

3 The communication pattern between people and the environment

4 The communication pattern between people and people

5 The media of information that connects people to the past and the future

6 Space

7 Every place has its pattern of information

8 The information pattern that one likes
A place to stay The information pattern that one likes

9 Space design The filtering of information

10 The passage of information

11 To hear

12 To see

13 To feel

14 What we can do? with information technology, or without?

15 The connection of spaces

16 People move from one place to another
for seeking the desirable pattern of information that they receive and transmit.

17 What we can do? with information technology, or without?

18 virtual or real?

19 crossing space and time

20 Space hyperlink

21 projection

22 Perspective delusion

23 Interweaving the real and the virtual

24 context

25 Spatial element

26 Connecting to the future

27 How to make them smart?

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