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Published byAngelica Sherman Modified over 5 years ago
DRDLR Strategic Plan and 2014/15 Annual Performance Plan presentation to Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources 11 July 2014
Presentation Outline Purpose of the presentation 2014- 2019 MTSF
Strategic Plan Vision, Mission and Strategy Policy & Legislation Initiatives Institutional arrangements Virtuous cycle Strategic Goals 2014/15 Annual Performance Plan Programme 1- 5 Strategic objectives, indicators and targets
Purpose To present the Department of Rural Development and Land Reforms Strategic Plan and 2014/15 Annual Performance Plan. To illustrate the contribution of the DRDLR in addressing the triple challenges currently facing South Africa namely: poverty, inequality and unemployment with specific focus on rural areas. This presentation also takes into account the Department’s response to the National Development Plan (NDP) and the New Growth Path (NGP). It also outlines the outputs, targets and indicators for the 2014/15 Financial Year as contained in the APP
The MTSF MTSF serve as “the principal guide to planning and resource allocation across all spheres of government” and also sets out the country’s developmental challenges. It is best viewed as a “frame of reference” designed to guide the government’s policy position and programme of action. It is informed by the election manifesto of the governing party.
Problem Statement Main challenge for rural development has been marginalisation of the poor, with mutual acknowledgement of the following problems: Apartheid’s spatial design (patterns); Land ownership patterns; Land reform has not yet translated into the establishment of sufficient numbers of sustainable new black farmers; Under-utilization and unsustainable use of natural resources Rural areas also struggle to attract sustainable enterprises and industries; and Weak coordination of planning and implementation of rural development.
Six MTSF priority areas
The NDP identifies six policy imperatives, which will be the focus areas of in this MTSF period: Improved land administration and spatial planning for integrated development in rural areas Sustainable land reform (agrarian transformation) Improved food security Smallholder farmer development and support (technical, financial, infrastructure) for agrarian transformation Increased access to quality basic infrastructure and services, particularly in education, healthcare and public transport in rural areas Growth of sustainable rural enterprises and industries characterised by strong rural-urban linkages, increased investment in agro-processing, trade development and access to markets and financial services– resulting in rural job creation
Strategic Plan
Vision, Mission & Strategy
Our vision, mission and strategy is as follows: Vision Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities Mission To initiate, facilitate, coordinate, catalyse and implement an integrated rural development program Strategy Agrarian transformation
Legislative Initiatives
Electronic Deeds Registration Bill Facilitate the enactment of electronic deeds registration provisions; Expedite the registration of deeds by decreasing the time required for the deeds registration process; Enhance accuracy of examination and registration; Provide for countrywide access to deeds registration services; and Provide security features including confidentiality. Non-repudiation, integrity and availability. 2. Regulation of Land Holding Bill To provide for the establishment and composition of the Land Commission; To provide for the appointment, qualifications and remuneration of members of the Land Commission; To provide for the function and powers of the land Commission; To provide for the classification of land as controlled land; To provide for the disclosure by owners of land of their race, gender and nationality; To provide for the acquisition and disposal of land by foreign persons; To provide for the acquisition of leaseholds in controlled land by foreign persons; To provide for the establishment and maintenance of a register of land ownership; To provide for the circumstances under which a juristic person is considered a foreign juristic person;
Legislative Initiatives
Extension of Security of Tenure Amendment Bill The proposed amendments are derived from the wider draft policy on Land Tenure Security in respect to commercial Farming areas. The Bill aims to find lasting solutions to tenure insecurities in these areas through combining land redistribution measures within effective legal protection and dispute mechanisms. 4. Communal Property Association Amendment Bill To amend the Communal Property Associations Act, 1996, so as to amend certain definitions; To extend the application of the Act to labour tenants who acquired land; To provide for the establishment of a Communal Property Associations Office and the appointment of a Registrar of Communal Property Associations; To repeal the provisions relating to provisional associations; To provide improved protection of the rights and interests of members of associations in respect of movable and immovable property of the association; to provide for name changes of associations; To improve the provisions relating to the management of an association that has been placed under administration; To provide clarity on the content of an annual report in respect of associations; To make provision for transitional arrangements;
Institutional Arrangements
The following bills once approved by parliament will enable the department to establish the following institutions: Land Commission Bill - Land Commission (LC), Extension of Security of Tenure Amendment Bill - Land Rights Management Board (LRMB) and Property Valuation Bill - Office of the Valuer-General (OVG). The department adopted the virtuous cycle as an enabler to ensure integrated planning and coordinated implementation of rural development initiatives and interventions
DRDLR VIRTUOUS CYCLE DRDLR Virtuous Cycle LR Strategic Acquisition
“What” to buy: Proactive acquisition of land based on SPLUM reports LR Strategic Acquisition REID Society Organisation and Development RID Infrastructure delivery based on societal needs SPLUM Strategic Planning Determine ‘Where” to implement: SIPs 23 Districts CRDP sites PGDS District IDPs LM IDPs Statssa Info (analysis) LMC (Functions to be identified) “Who” to assist “When” to assist “How” to assist: Community organisation into economic units of production Training of communities Provision of production inputs Enter into strategic partnerships to support Identify community and on farms infrastructure required Skills development and training (Narysec) DRDLR Virtuous Cycle Strategic Projects Infrastructure Projects i.e. When and what infrastructure to deliver is determined by community readiness to produce in the identified areas that maximize governments investment. Projects relating to the socio-economic, regeneration of small towns, ICT, and special projects will also be initiated by RID. 16
Virtuous cycle
Strategic Goals Strategic Goal 1
Corporate governance and service excellence Goal Statement Forster corporate governance and service excellence through compliance with the legal framework Strategic Goal 2 Improve land administration for integrated and sustainable growth and development Goal Statement Improve land administration and spatial planning for integrated sustainable growth and development with a bias towards rural areas Strategic Goal 3 Promote equitable access to and sustainable use of land for development Goal Statement An inclusive and equitable land dispensation with transformed patterns of land tenure and use
Strategic Goals Strategic Goal 4 Promote sustainable rural livelihoods
Goal Statement Improve rural livelihoods as a result of capabilities, income and job opportunities provided Strategic Goal 5 Improved access to services Goal Statement Improve access to services in rural areas through the coordination of quality infrastructure Strategic Goal 6 Sustainable rural enterprises and industries Goal Statement Promote economically, socially and environmentally viable rural enterprises and industries Strategic Goal 7 Restoration of Land Rights Goal Statement Restoration of Land Rights in terms of three Restitution of Land Rights Act, as amended.
Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 1.1
Compliance with all public sector legal prescripts Objective Statement Ensure 100% compliance with government regulations and legal prescripts by 2019 Baseline New indicator Justification This objective will promote good governance and measure compliance. Links Linked to Public Service Regulations and policies Strategic Objective 1.2 Unqualified regularity audit opinion Objective Statement Obtain an unqualified regularity audit opinion on financial and non-financial performance by 2019 Baseline Unqualified audit report: 2012/13 Justification This strategic objective will ensure that there is improved accountability on public resources, service delivery and that the department complies with prescripts governing the public sector. Links Linked to Strategic Goal 1
Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 1.3
Skills development for improved service delivery Objective Statement Improve employees’ and prospective employees skills to enhance service delivery by 2019 Baseline 115 prospective employees trained Justification This objective aims to promote a capable and professional workforce to achieve service excellence. Links Linked to Strategic Goal 1 Strategic Objective 2.1 Improved spatial planning Objective statement Facilitate integrated spatial planning and land use management in all provinces through the application of relevant legislation by 2019 Baseline Fragmented spatial planning and land use management Justification Contributes towards spatial equity Link NDP, Outcome 7 and Strategic Goal 2, 3 and 5
Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 2.2
An integrated and comprehensive land administration system Objective statement Ensure an integrated and comprehensive land administration system Baseline Incomplete and non-reformed land administration systems Justification This objective will ensure the promotion of sustainable growth and development. Link Outcome 7, Strategic Goal 2 and 3 Strategic Objective 3.1 Support to rural communities to produce their own food in all rural districts Objective statement Provide support to rural communities in all rural districts to enable them to improve their livelihoods by 2019 Baseline 7 800 households provided with support. Justification The strategic objective will contribute towards food security in rural areas. Links Linked to Strategic Goal 4 and Outcome 7.
Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 3.2
Quality infrastructure provided Objective statement Improve access to services in rural areas by coordinating and providing integrated infrastructure by 2019 Baseline • Bulk infrastructure: 47 • Public amenities completed: 45 • ICT projects completed: 89 • Economic infrastructure completed: 926 Justification The strategic objective will contribute towards improved rural livelihoods by facilitating the provision of quality infrastructure. Links Linked to CRDP, Outcome 7, Strategic Goal 4 and 5. Strategic Objective 3.3 Facilitate the establishment of rural enterprises and industries Objective statement Facilitate the development of 235 rural enterprises and industries in areas with economic development potential and opportunities by 2019 Baseline New indicator. Justification The strategic objective will contribute towards CRDP initiatives. Links Linked to CRDP, Outcome 7 and Strategic Goal 6.
Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 3.4
Job creation and skills development in rural areas Objective statement Increase job opportunities and ensure skills development through CRDP and land reform initiatives by 2019 Baseline Number of jobs created in rural areas. Number of people trained in rural areas. Justification The strategic objective will contribute towards the reduction of unemployment in rural areas. Links Outcome 7, CRDP and Strategic Goal 4, 5 and 6. Strategic Objective 4.1 Land rights restored Objective statement Facilitate the restoration of land rights and alternative forms of equitable redress by 2019 Baseline Number of land rights restored or awards of alternative equitable redress in March 2013: 376. 1 337 land claims settled Justification Equitable land dispensation and agrarian reform. Links Linked to Strategic Goal 5.
Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 4.2
Redress land rights lost after 1913 Objective statement Facilitate the reopening and finalisation of the lodgement of restitution land claims people who did not meet the 1998 deadline Baseline land claims were lodged by the cut-off date of 31 December 1998. Justification Equitable land dispensation and agrarian reform. Links Linked to Strategic Goal 3. Strategic Objective 5.1 Strategically located land acquired Objective statement Promote equitable land redistribution and agricultural development by acquiring hectares of strategically located land by 2019 Baseline Number of hectares acquired: (2012/13 Annual Report). Justification This strategic objective will ensure that the land allocated for agricultural purposes is used productively and will contribute towards economic development and food security. Links Linked to Outcome 7 and Strategic Goal 3.
Strategic Objectives Strategic Objective 5.2
Farm development support provided to smallholder farmers Objective statement Provide comprehensive farm development support to smallholder farmers and land reform beneficiaries for agrarian transformation by 2019 Baseline New indicator Justification This strategic objective will ensure development support to smallholder farmers and land reform beneficiaries for agrarian transformation. Links Linked to Outcome 7 and Strategic Goal 3. Strategic objective 5.3 Functional systems and institutional arrangements Objective statement Functional systems and institutional arrangements for tenure and land administration to enable agrarian reform in all provinces by 2019 Baseline Land rights management facilities. Justification This strategic objective will ensure fully functional systems and institutional arrangements for land administration. Links Linked to Outcome 7 and Strategic Goal 3.
2014-15 Annual Performance Plan
Programme 1: Administration
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.1.1 % of budget spent Quarterly 100% 25% 50% 75% 1.1.2 % of invoices paid within 30 days of receipt by supply chain management 1.2.1 Unqualified financial statements Unqualified audit without findings on financial statements - Unqualified audit 2014/15 1.2.2 % of external audit findings resolved 1.3.1 % DRDLR Human Resources Development Strategy approved DRDLR Human Resources Development Strategy developed Internal consultations with departmental branches Final consultations and submission of final draft HRD Strategy for approval Strategy approved 1.3.2 Number of people trained in Geomatics Bi-Annually 60
Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic Objective 2.1 :Facilitate integrated spatial planning and land use management in all provinces through the application of relevant legislation by 2019 2.1.1 National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF) developed Quarterly Approved research report and consultation on NSDF - 2.1.2 % of municipalities supported to implement the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) 60% SDFs 20% Land Use Schemes 80% Functional Land Use Regulators 2.1.3 Number of provinces supported to develop Provincial SDFs Annually 4
Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic Objective 2.2 :Ensure an integrated and comprehensive land administration system 2.2.1 National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF) developed Quarterly 1500 100 750 650 2.2.2 Number of deeds and documents registered 953,424 229,441 252,792 258,515 212,676 2.2.3 Number of maps of the national map series produced Annually 4 -
Programme 3: Rural Development
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic Objective 3.1 Provide support to rural communities in all rural districts to enable them to improve their livelihoods by 2019 3.1.1 Rural Livelihoods Strategy approved Quarterly Rural Livelihoods Strategy approved Concept document Consultation Approval Rural Livelihoods Strategy approved Strategic Objective 3.2 : Improve access to services in rural areas by coordinating and providing integrated infrastructure by 2019 3.2.1 Norms and standards for access to rural services developed 3.2.2 Rural Development Strategy and systems developed and implemented developed and approved 3.2.3 Number of socio-economic infrastructure projects coordinated and facilitated 114 29 20 30 35
Programme 3: Rural Development
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic Objective 3.2 : Improve access to services in rural areas by coordinating and providing integrated infrastructure by 2019 3.2.4 Number of households supported with basic services infrastructure Quarterly 8 000 1 000 1500 3 500 3 000 3.2.5 Number of Animal Veld Management Programme projects implemented 200 30 40 60 70 3.2.6 Number of projects implemented in support of the River Valley Catalytic programme 14 3 5 6 Strategic Objective 3.3 : Facilitate the development of rural enterprises and industries in areas with economic development potential and opportunities by 2019 3.3.1 Rural Enterprises and Industrial Development Strategy implemented developed - Consultation approved
Programme 3: Rural Development
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic Objective 3.3 : Facilitate the development of rural enterprises and industries in areas with economic development potential and opportunities by 2019 3.3.2 Number of enterprises supported in rural development initiatives (agriculture and other sectors) by government stakeholders Quarterly 210 60 100 40 10 Strategic Objective 3.4 : Increase job opportunities and ensure skills development through CRDP and land reform initiatives by 2019 3.4.1 Number of skills opportunities provided to support rural 4200 1200 2000 700 300 3.4.2 Narysec youth 5000 1000 1500 500
Programme 3: Rural Development
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic Objective 3.4 : Increase job opportunities and ensure skills development through CRDP and land reform initiatives by 2019 3.4.1 Number of jobs created in rural development initiatives Quarterly 4000 800 1500 1200 500 3.4.2 Mega cooperative established to facilitate support to Narysec youth -
Programme 4: Restitution
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic Objective 4.1: Facilitate the restoration of land rights and alternative forms of equitable redress by 2019 4.1.1 Number of land claims settled Quarterly 379 51 91 107 130 4.1.2 claims finalised 239 42 59 66 72 4.1.3 Number of phased projects approved 53 15 14 12 4.1.4 Number of claims lodged by 1998 to be researched 1445 375 380 310
Programme 4: Restitution
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic objective 4.2 Facilitate the reopening and finalisation of the lodgement of restitution land claims people who did not meet the 1998 Deadline 4.2.1 Number of lodgement offices functional Quarterly 14 Lodgement offices opened and 11 Lodgement 3 Lodgement -
Programme 5: Land Reform
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic Objective 5.1: Promote equitable land redistribution and agricultural development by acquiring hectares of strategically located land by 2019 5.1.1 Number of hectares acquired and allocated Quarterly 82 714 82 785 5.1.2 Office of the Valuer General (OVG) established 50% - 25% Strategic Objective 5.2 Provide comprehensive farm development support to smallholder farmers and land reform beneficiaries for agrarian transformation by 2019 5.2.1 Number of land reform farms Recapitalised and developed 303 76 5.2.2 Number of jobs created in land reform projects (RADP) 909 227 5.3.2 Number of farm personnel trained through the RADP programme
Programme 5: Land Reform
Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2013/14 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Strategic Objective 5.3 Functional systems and institutional arrangements for tenure and land administration to enable agrarian reform in all provinces by 2019 5.3.1 Number of Communal Property Associations compliant with legislation Quarterly 180 30 40 50 60 5.3.2 Number of labour tenants Applications settled1 130 - 70 5.3.3 Number of land parcels Transferred under TRANCRAA (Transformation of Certain Rural Areas Act) 8 10 12 5.3.4 Number of State2 Land Parcels confirmed as vested 1787 445 447 450 5.3.5 % Complete Immovable Asset Register 100%
2014/15 Programme Project Information
The overall total number of projects per programme is 2293 Programme 3, consist of RID (385) and REID (378) projects Programme 4, Restitution has an overall total of 716 claims Current claims - 440 Claims backlog – 276
PROGRAMME LAND REFORM RESTITUTION REID RID Grand Total 5 4 3 EC 140 87 81 40 348 FS 115 41 23 219 GP 58 30 215 KZN 100 84 92 357 LP 79 63 21 31 194 MP 101 57 35 214 National Office NC 36 25 24 120 NW 114 43 238 WC 250 42 18 353 814 716 378 385 2293
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