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GRADUA “Graduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania” GRADUA” Project number: 585961-EPP-1-2017-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP (2017.

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Presentation on theme: "GRADUA “Graduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania” GRADUA” Project number: 585961-EPP-1-2017-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP (2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRADUA “Graduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania” GRADUA” Project number: EPP AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP ( / ) Date:


3 POLIS History_Milestones
1- Establishment of university (2006) - Establishment of Office of Student Support and Career Counseling (2008) 2- First accreditation process (2009) a)Institutional accreditation b)Study programms accreditation 3- First international accreditation of Dual PhD, program, between POLIS and Ferrara: a)by ministry of education in Albania (2015) b)by ministry of education in Italy (each year). 4- Accreditation from AESOP, Association of European Schools of Planning (2015) 5- External evaluation by Holland, France (each year). 6- Re – accreditation of university (2015) 7- QAA “Best Practice” University (2017)

4 Office of Student Support and Career Counseling (2008) Representative Group
No. Name Surname Duty / Responsibility 1 Saimir Kristo Representative of academic staff 2 Dorina Papa 3 Rovena Qirici Representative of Administrative Process 4 Joana Dhiamandi 5 Malvina Istrefaj Representative of Alumni/ academic staff

5 Office of Student Support and Career Counseling MAIN OBJECTIVE
Office of Student Support and Career Counseling is a unit which assists students and follows their educational process, during and after its completion, creating a database with available data on their careers, successes, difficulties during their adaptation to the market, their achievements, lobbying for the protection of their professional rights. “ Support students by bringing awareness to the career planning process so they can make informed decisions about employment as well as post graduate professional qualification options ”

6 Office of Student Support and Career Counseling
ALUMNI OSSCC Supports Students Council

7 Office of Student Support and Career Counseling RELATION WITH ALUMNI
Contacts Up – to date Alumni Reunion Tutorials The main activities and duties of the Office of Student Support and Career Counseling are: The maintenance of personal contact with students after their graduation and employment in order to continue receiving their feedback The undertaking of up-to-date studies on the labor market and the identification of its requirements in order to make this information available to students. The task of getting the alumni involved in decision-making processes in key activities related to teaching and other activities such as research, development, and the services offered. Reinforcing relationship Alumni – Students (Tutorials, open lectures, pecha-kucha)

8 Information & Transparency
Office of Student Support and Career Counseling RELATION WITH STUDENT’S COUNCIL The main activities and duties of the Office of Student Support and Career Counseling are: 1. The process of informing students and providing full transparency on academic, teaching, and research issues as well as their rights and duties; 2. The students’ orientation during the educational process, the selection of the specific educational fields, and the academic and training opportunities offered by the university; (further education, trainings, internships, academic plans etc.) 3. Awareness and knowledge offered to students on the labor market in general and on current employment opportunities; (Skills, knowledge, adaption, identifying goals, being 4. Individual or group counseling. (Exploring possibilities) Information & Transparency Orientation Knowledge & Tutorials Counseling

9 Data collection Statistics:
- For employment awareness (and further studying of the market) - For accreditation process Statistics: ZMSKK collects data for students according to a specific schema format and updated. In parallel with the possibility of employment and internships, contacts are being updated with students who are currently in employment and are currently operating in the market. 94.2% of students are employed




13 Thank you…

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