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Skin Finger skin (No.14) Head skin (No.5) Quiz 1 20160406.

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Presentation on theme: "Skin Finger skin (No.14) Head skin (No.5) Quiz 1 20160406."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skin Finger skin (No.14) Head skin (No.5) Quiz 1

2 Finger skin

3 Epidermis Dermis hypodermis Finger skin The stratum basal
The stratum spinosum The stratum granulosum The stratum lucidum The stratum corneum Dermis Papillary layer Reticular layer hypodermis Finger skin

4 Meissner’s corpuscle, touch receptor

5 Sweat gland in the reticular layer
Secretory portion Simple pyramidal epi. Myoepi.cell Basement membrane Ducts Stratified cuboidal Epi. Sweat gland in the reticular layer

6 Epidermis Dermis hairs Head skin Sebaceous glands
Arrector pili muscles Sweat glands Head skin

7 Head skin Hair Hair trunk Hair root Hair follicle Sebaceous glands
Arrector pili muscles Head skin

8 Hair bulb Dermal papilla Root sheath Dermal sheath (CT sheath)

9 Sebaceous glands Ducts end at upper part of hair follicle Filled with lipid droplets

10 实验报告: 拍典型图片2张,Word 上传 文件名:姓名-皮肤( ) skin: 1. Low power: 5 or 4 layers of epidermis 2. High power: Meissner’s corpuscle

11 The end!

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