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2016 Virginia Synod Fall Conference Gatherings

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Virginia Synod Fall Conference Gatherings"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Virginia Synod Fall Conference Gatherings
A Discussion of the Forwarding Faith Campaign and the 2017 Virginia Synod Assembly Election of a Bishop

2 Opening Prayer and leadership devotion

3 Update on ForwardingFaith Campaign


5 The Nomination Process and Election of a Bishop in the Virginia Synod
Electing a bishop is one of the most important responsibilities in the life of a synod in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a key responsibility of the Synod Assembly. As an election, it is a process governed by the constitution, bylaws, and continuing resolutions of the synod; however, it is also a call process. Chapter 9, of the Virginia Synod Constitution addresses nominations and elections.

6 The Nomination process and Election of a Bishop in the Virginia Synod
As such, it involves discernment, from the perspective both of individual potential nominees and of the synod as a whole. Thus, engaging in prayerful reflection and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit are indispensable aspects of the process of election.

7 How we got here The 2015 Synod Assembly by resolution encouraged the Synod Council to create a process for the election of a bishop that would “provide opportunity for participation and preparation on the congregational, conference, and synod levels.”

8 The Synod Council, in response to the resolution, created a Bishop’s Election Transition Team to:
Prepare a plan for study and consideration of the election process. Develop a plan for the election of a bishop in 2017. Develop a transition plan for the newly elected bishop

9 Transition Team’s Plan:
1. Provide educational opportunities about the Bishop’s ministry. 2. Identify the Synod's future mission priorities and challenges. 3. Based on those priorities and challenges, lead the Synod in consideration of the leadership qualities and skills desired in a new Bishop.

10 Transition Team’s Plan:
4. Develop questions to be asked of nominees during the election process. 5. Provide information to Synod Assembly voting members to assist in their consideration of who should serve as our Bishop. 6. The process will neither nominate nor suggest specific individuals who may be considered by the 2017 Synod Assembly.

11 Small Group Conversations about the Synod Ministries
What is a Synod – “a way together” The ELCA's 65 synods vary greatly in size, geography, membership, staffing and program. The smallest ELCA synod has 30 congregations — the largest nearly 300. The synods are grouped into nine regions, which are points of connection for them and the churchwide organization. Synods unite the work of congregations within their areas, serve as regional support, and guide pastoral and other staff candidates.

12 Virginia Synod Demographics
How is the Virginia Synod unique? Demographics of the Virginia Synod are being handed out. It provides information of our Synod from the ELCA. Please take a few minutes to review and we will then break into small groups to discuss…

13 Small Group Discussion Topics
What are we able to do better as a synod and as congregations working together for the sake of Christ’s mission than as individual congregations? Considering the definition and responsibilities of a synod and this synod’s profile, what has the synod done well and what has it done not so well in the last 4 years? What should be the primary priorities for synod ministry in the next 4 years? Report back to the large group your conversations.

14 Role of the Bishop The Virginia Synod Constitution Section 8, regarding the Bishop is being provided. This information is the Constitutional foundation for the role of the Bishop. The Bishop serves a term of six years. Please take a moment to review the document.

15 Bishop Small Group Discussion
What should congregations expect of the synod’s bishop in the first 4 years? What should the synod’s bishop expect of congregations in the synod in the first 4 years? What are the spiritual gifts and leadership attributes that are the most important for a bishop in this synod in the first 4 years?

16 Small Group Reports The small groups can share their discussion with the entire group. Please provide the notes of the small groups to the Dean or Transition team leader for use on the website.

17 Invitation to Congregational Conversations by the Dean
We will be offering the discussion topics on the Synod website. We hope these discussion topics can be used in Congregational conversations regarding the 2017 election of a Bishop.

18 Closing Prayer Thank you for your dedication to the life of the Virginia Synod and please remember the Virginia Synod website has resources available regarding the 2017 election including sample prayers.

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