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You will need your book, a pencil, and paper.

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Presentation on theme: "You will need your book, a pencil, and paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will need your book, a pencil, and paper.
Lesson 9 Day 4 You will need your book, a pencil, and paper.

2 Question of the Day Why does sharing make people happy? Write two or three sentences about a time when sharing something made a fun time.

3 purpose for reading a story?
Read Aloud What is the purpose for reading a story? Why is Rockton different from other villages? What happens that brings the people together?

4 Phonics/Spelling The words partner and subtract have 3 consonants in the middle with a vowel on each side. This pattern is called the VCCCV pattern. The word partner is divided between the t and the n: Part / ner Subtract is divided between the b and the t. Recognizing blends like tr will help you divide the word correctly. You can also try to divide the word into smaller words you know.

5 Phonics/Spelling cont.
Let’s look at the word pilgrim. It has three consonants surrounded by vowels. The gr blend helps to know that pilgrim is divided pil / grim. The word transform also has the VCCCV pattern. You can divide it into two smaller words: trans / form. Please help me divide the words pumpkin and instead. pump / kin; in / stead

6 Spelling/Phonics cont.
I want you to copy the following words onto your paper. I want you to underline the three-consonant combinations and then divide the word into two syllables. 1. wildlife; 2. lobsters; 3. hundreds; 1. wild / life; 2. lob / sters; hun / dreds; 4. mon / ster

7 Focus Skill Main Idea FOCUS SKILL Autumn

8 Shopping for new clothes and school school supplies is fun.
My family likes to Visit different farms near our home. The weather isn’t too hot or cold. Autumn is my favorite season

9 Use a Dictionary The information found in a dictionary can help you spell words. A dictionary can also help you understand and use words that you do not know. Dictionaries contain the following information: How words are spelled What words mean How words are pronounced A word’s part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.

10 Robust Vocabulary 1. Dense: I am going to describe some things that are and are not dense. Put your thumb up when I describe something that is dense. a very dark cloud heavy with rain a forest packed with trees a light, empty backpack a small box crammed with pencils

11 Robust Voc. Cont. 2. Reaction: I am going to name some things that might happen to a sheet of paper. You may act out the reaction of the paper. being blown by the wind being scribbled on being cooked in a soup being folded in half

12 Robust Voc. Cont. 3. Ingredients: I am going to name some ingredients you might put in soup. If the item would be a good ingredient in soup, rub your tummy. If it would not be a good ingredient in soup, make a yucky face. Potatoes; celery; boots; wooden spoon; water; pepper; drinking glass; soap; paper clips; salt; noodles; tissues

13 Robust Voc. Cont. How could you help people who were suffering in a famine? Who has been generous to you lately?

14 Robust Voc. Cont. What curiosities have you seen on the street?
How do you if someone gazes at you? Why?

15 Robust Voc. Cont. Which would make a more agreeable lunch: a bowl of soup or a bowl of worms? Why? Name a food you think might be served at a banquet.


17 DOL It were a a great parties The babys were hongry

18 Grammar Remember that a noun names a person, place, thing, animal, or idea. Singular nouns name one person, place, thing, animal, or idea, while plural nouns name more than one. Remember the rules for making nouns plural: most times you can add an –s; if the word ends with s, ch, x, sh, add –es; if the word ends with y, most times you will change the y to i and add –es. Some hints for finding singular or plural noun include: A singular noun may have the word a or an in front of it. A plural noun never has the word a or an in front of it. A singular and a plural noun may have the word the in front of it.

19 Grammar cont. Here is a story starter for us to explore: Once there was a woman who lived in a house with a cheese roof. She had three cats. What kind of nouns did I underline? Singular, they name one person, place, and thing. What is the plural noun in the sentence? Cats, it names more than one cat. I want you to write several more sentences to continue the story. Perhaps some mice have come to eat the woman’s house. I want you to tell what happens to the mice. When you finish, trade papers with your partner. Read each other’s work and underline all the singular nouns; circle all the plural nouns.

20 Writing I want you to finish your summary paragraph today. In today’s lesson you will revise your work. Remember that a good summary will have a main idea and supporting details. Choosing exact words will help your readers more easily and accurately picture what is happening. Trade summaries with your partner. You will check each other’s work for word choice and for a clear main idea sentence with supporting details.

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