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Water Allocation Strategies

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1 Water Allocation Strategies
In the context of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

2 Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District
Water Allocation Strategies District is 44,000 acres Approximately 9,000 acres of urban development Remainder is agriculture predominately almonds 100% groundwater pumping to meet overlying demands Balanced Water Budget = Sustainable Projected minor overdraft Within critically overdrafted basin Lands less than 10 acres and Zoned Residential or Commercial are exempt from water budget How many of you in this room know exactly how much water you will have available to you per acre in a post-SGMA / Groundwater Sustainability Planning World?

3 Water Budgeting requires
Accurate Data!! APN Based Water Budget Platform (Landowner Access) Water Supply Water Demand Billing Water Trading How many of you in this room know exactly how much water you will have available to you per acre in a post-SGMA / Groundwater Sustainability Planning World? Open & Transparent

4 Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District
Water Allocation Strategies Water Supply “Project” Supplies 116,000 Acre Feet (AF)/year on average. Allocated to each APN within the district proportional to acreage. 116,000 AF / 44,000 Acres = 2.63 AF/Acre “Allocation” “Groundwater” Subject of current basin discussions Proposal to allocate .5 AF/Acre Water Supply Allocation (assuming 1 acre) = =3.13 “Deposit” is made into landowner APN each January 1 How many of you in this room know exactly how much water you will have available to you per acre in a post-SGMA / Groundwater Sustainability Planning World?

5 Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District
Water Demand Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Water Allocation Strategies Demand on each APN is calculated using Evapotranspiration data Data is collected every few (5-11) days Data is interpolated between images Calibration is critical to ensure field level accuracy Landowner may utilize well head metering Demand is computed over the course of the calendar year and is basis for water budget. January 1 – December 31 ET “demand” is debited From initial “deposit” No “Carry-Over” Balance is re-allocated amongst all users proportional to acreage Deficit is billed at replacement water rate How many of you in this room know exactly how much water you will have available to you per acre in a post-SGMA / Groundwater Sustainability Planning World?

6 APN Based Water Budget Platform
Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Water Allocation Strategies District Info Landowner Access (Unique APN Log-in) Updated accounting of Supplies and Demands for decision making Water District Information Water Levels SGMA compliance data Other? Water Supply Water Demand How many of you in this room know exactly how much water you will have available to you per acre in a post-SGMA / Groundwater Sustainability Planning World? APN Based Water Budget Platform

7 Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District
Water Allocation Strategies Water Trading Trading Platform (Link on Water Budget Platform) for Buyers and Sellers to Post APN Based Transaction outside of platform – landowner driven Transaction “confirmed” by individual log-in to platform and selecting APN and quantity of water to be transferred Trading requires evaluation of groundwater transfers in the context of SGMA. How many of you in this room know exactly how much water you will have available to you per acre in a post-SGMA / Groundwater Sustainability Planning World?

8 Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District
SGMA Compliance Strategy – Water Exchange Markets Groundwater Transfers – Part of the GSP Water is an asset if it can be managed. It can be a liability if stranded. Failure to accommodate groundwater transfers will exacerbate SGMA economic impacts. Groundwater transfers should be evaluated in the context of the Groundwater Sustainability Planning process Projected future deficit in Rosedale Empower Landowners! How many of you in this room know exactly how much water you will have available to you per acre in a post-SGMA / Groundwater Sustainability Planning World?

9 Groundwater Transfers – Part of the GSP
Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District SGMA Compliance Strategy – Water Exchange Markets Groundwater Transfers – Part of the GSP What needs to be done to ensure Groundwater Transfers are part of the SGMA Strategy? Groundwater modeling to evaluate potential impacts Evaluation of hydraulic gradients Evaluation of water quality Evaluation of water level data with and without transfers Potential limits on amount that can transferred annually Potential limits on distance a transfer can be accommodated Ratios for greater distances Potential concerns may be addressed through information and analysis. System of accounting!

10 Groundwater Transfers – Part of the GSP
Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District SGMA Compliance Strategy – Water Exchange Markets Groundwater Transfers – Part of the GSP GSP – Landowner Initiated Actions Within Rosedale Landowners can aggregate lands (within Rosedale) to manage supplies (Groundwater Transfer) Landowners can lease ground from others to augment supplies (Groundwater Transfer) Landowners can voluntarily reduce demand (Fallowing) Landowners can acquire additional supplies If Landowner chooses not to implement the above then……….

11 Groundwater Transfers – Part of the GSP
Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District SGMA Compliance Strategy – Water Exchange Markets Groundwater Transfers – Part of the GSP GSP - Rosedale Initiated Actions Assessment of “Water Charge” or a Tiered Rate for use above “Sustainable Yield” Reserved by District - Economy of scale / aggregate supply needs Every five (5) years District will utilize water charge revenues to implement the most cost effective management action: New water supply projects/ programs Demand reduction (willing sellers!) in areas of potential recharge (double benefit) (Groundwater Transfer) Demand Reduction (Groundwater Transfer) Water Charge rate will adjust to reflect least cost management action!

12 Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District
SGMA Compliance Strategy – Water Exchange Markets Groundwater Transfers will be part of SGMA strategy Delay in accommodating groundwater transfers will result in economic impacts GSP’s should evaluate the impacts of groundwater transfers to prevent or limit “Undesirable Results”

13 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Groundwater Transfers
& Groundwater Transfers QUESTIONS

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